Maybe a long shot..
Don't know what size sheets this stuff comes in but if anyone has a couple of bits approx 800x300mm (3'x1' ) prefer stainless or thick
ally as for my trailer. Can collect if nearby or bring to stoneleigh - should be there all weekend.
[Edited on 16/4/07 by ned]
Ned, there will be the usual suspects selling the stuff at Stoneleigh - I saw pieces that size at Detling and they were reasonably priced if my memory serves.
If you want to pop down to portsmouth,you can have what you need.A mate & myself was given a 8x4 sheet of ally chequer plate, it's 4mm
thick,or 5.5 with the raised 'chequer'.
But you'll have to cut it off yourself
course,you can use the anglegrinder if you want...