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Fuel Tank
BKLOCO - 29/5/07 at 12:16 PM

I am after a CBS 6 gall plastic fuel tank if anyone has one surplus to requirements.

It would seem that the company that was making them for CBS has gone bust and they are not available untill they can find a new supplier.

I have managed to "stress fracture" my alli tank and am desperately seeking a plastic replacement.

Can anyone help me out?????

novacaine - 29/5/07 at 12:25 PM

i guess that your "stress fracture" was fatige unless your fuel tank has taken one bloody huge whack, now alluminum is usualy realy good at resisting Fatigue but plastic will probably fatigue long before an ally one so in all honesty an ally one would be better, just make sure you bolt it down firmly and you shouldnt have any problems

Bluemoon - 29/5/07 at 12:49 PM

novacaine, not sure I agree? I would expect a proper plastic tank to be better as fatigue is a problem for welded ali structures...

BKLOCO where did it fail?

Also was it isolated from vibration via rubber covered straps?


[Edited on 29/5/07 by Bluemoon]

BKLOCO - 29/5/07 at 01:54 PM

Not that it's important but it has fractured at the welds on the mounting points due to being bolted solidly to the chassis. A mistake. We all make em!

[Edited on 29-5-07 by BKLOCO]

novacaine - 29/5/07 at 02:47 PM

the crack will probably have occured in the parent metal along the edge of the fillet of the weld, possibly due to poor welding with the introduction of impurities, this is one problem you wont have with a plastic tank which i assume is the reason your changing to a plastic tank ...

MikeR - 29/5/07 at 03:23 PM

mate used to work on fuel tanks for a living. Given the choice between two equally well made tanks, i'd pick a plastic one over an ali one.

Bluemoon - 29/5/07 at 04:26 PM


Never quite managed to figure out why manufactures put welded on lugs, would be better to encourage people to use straps and rubber.. It's not s simple job to isolate a welded lug when you bolt though it..

If you can find a decent plastic tank go for it, the only thing to note is that MK had a batch of plastic tanks that were welded, and then split after a while.. So I would exercise some caution, in finding good plastic tanks..



NS Dev - 29/5/07 at 04:26 PM

Thought this was a wanted thread???!!!

chris_harris_ - 29/5/07 at 06:01 PM

If you decided to go with an ally tank again, try deneo on this sit, he makes stuff for people and does a good job too. send him your tank and he'll copy it i would think. Just my 2p worth.

BKLOCO - 30/5/07 at 07:13 AM

Originally posted by NS Dev
Thought this was a wanted thread???!!!

So did I!!!!!!

Thanks but If I was sticking with ally I would just get the one I have repaired!!!!
Which I guess is an option. Thanks for the contact anyway.

"Runs for cover whilst all the know it all's pontificate over how you should never weld a tank that has had petrol in it!!!!"

Even though this is a wanted thread!!!!

Thanks for that. I was aware of the problems of the welded tanks as sold by MK and others Which is why I was hoping that maybe someone had a CBS "roto moulded" one lying around gathering dust.

flak monkey - 30/5/07 at 07:16 AM

Hi Brian,

Not exactly what you wanted, but how about a powder coated steel one? Should alleviate the fatigue problem at least.


NTDWM. Just a suggestion.


[Edited on 30/5/07 by flak monkey]

BKLOCO - 30/5/07 at 07:22 AM

Thanks David. Not a bad price. It's an option....

prelude1980 - 30/5/07 at 05:43 PM

if you can let me know sizes and what you want, i can make one for you, i can let you know how much it'll cost delivered then,

just doing my own at work at the same time