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12.9 ts steel bar
bobster - 21/6/07 at 09:08 PM

i'm looking for a 400mm piece of steel rod/bar 10mm diameter. needs to be 12.9 tensile strength. (or 4 x 100mm pieces)

flak monkey - 21/6/07 at 09:10 PM

What are you doing with it?

I assume you are making some suspension pivot bars? You could just use EN16T, or if you want silly strength EN24T, but be warned its a bugger to machine.

ed_crouch - 21/6/07 at 10:12 PM

Ive heard of people using EN8. Im not au fait with EN8, but my guess would be that it machines easier than 16/24...


40inches - 22/6/07 at 08:31 AM

could't you just get cap head allen bolts and cut the heads off?
not that expensive either