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Any secondhand Wii games people don't want?
Jasper - 22/10/07 at 11:48 AM

So, anybody got any used Wii games they want to sell? Got my daughter one for her birthday and now need some more games for it.


graememk - 22/10/07 at 11:52 AM

bit of a hijack here but can you copy the games ?

my gf has a wii and might have some games shes finished with so i'll ask her later.

Jasper - 22/10/07 at 12:09 PM

Can you copy Wii games? Do you need to 'crack' the console?

wyatt - 22/10/07 at 01:42 PM

yep you need to have your Wii chipped to play coped games

donut - 22/10/07 at 02:00 PM are doing them for £14.99 so i'm told. There is a link at the bottom of the website page that links to shops within Not looked myself but was told about it today.

Let me know if it's any good.

UncleFista - 22/10/07 at 03:06 PM

There are many "mod chips" around to allow you to play copied games, they vary between £20 and £30.
Most involve some pretty difficult (tiny) soldering, but some newer ones use quicksolder (all i know is there's no heat invilved).

I'm not condoning such behaviour of course

Jasper - 23/10/07 at 09:09 AM

Cheers chaps I'll look into that....