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60mm ali tube
Jasper - 10/4/08 at 02:35 PM

I need a foot or so length of ali tube to run between turbo and intercooler - any ideas where to get it from?

Moorron - 10/4/08 at 02:40 PM

60mm is an odd size, 57mm is the norm. if this is ok then you can buy 1 metre from paceproducts for about £12! Not cheap but they will also swage the ends for a few extra ££.

Stuart_B - 10/4/08 at 02:41 PM

Cbs does 63mm OD Aluminium Tube

if it helps


Jasper - 10/4/08 at 02:43 PM

Thanks chaps, I've got 60mm silicone pipes, so better with the 63mm then....

andyd - 10/4/08 at 02:52 PM

Jasper, have you looked on eBay?

A quick search came up with this chap who sells a few variants... eBay link

Biggest round looks like 60mm OD with 2mm wall so 56mm ID. Any good?

Not sure if the prices are good but didn't make me fall off the chair.

Jasper - 10/4/08 at 03:32 PM

Ebay one looks good, thanks

j30fos - 10/4/08 at 04:51 PM

:0) I've just done this job today, I got my 60mm from ebay, came the next day.