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Wanted - Shielded wiring
Sporty - 15/5/08 at 09:48 AM

Anybody got any lying around need about 3m



Coose - 15/5/08 at 10:22 AM

What's it for? I have miles of 4-core (twin twisted pair) Belden 22AWG and I *think* I can spare 3m.

I was in Pocklington last night on my bike!

Mr Whippy - 15/5/08 at 11:18 AM

B&Q sell braded metal shielding to pull over wires

Paul TigerB6 - 15/5/08 at 12:44 PM

I got mine from Maplin Electronics for under £1 per metre for an EDIS setup

Sporty - 15/5/08 at 01:37 PM

Sorted now thanks to Coose.
