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Pinto timing belt tensioner wanted
Marlon - 4/10/08 at 02:59 PM

Hey all.

I don't suppose anyone has a tensioner pully that they want to trade for beer tokens do they As I don't really fancy parting with £30 for a new 1?
The old one gave up the ghost this morning and i've been trying to source one since.


[Edited on 4/10/08 by Marlon]

smac - 4/10/08 at 03:13 PM

I havent got one but I did see a pinto engined sierra in a scrap yard on the crossgreen industrial estate in Leeds last week

jollygreengiant - 4/10/08 at 03:31 PM

have you tried your local friendly car parts supplier. I think the last one I bought was £14.13 +vat QH QTT155 unless I'm mistaken. (05/06/2007)

Marlon - 4/10/08 at 03:36 PM

Thanks for that guys, Where abouts in cross green is the scrappers? I'll be heading to the boot sale over there in the morning so can give it a try after that. failing that or anyone on here having one I'll pop over to andy page's after work on monday, have tried quite a few other supplyers but they were wanting the best part of thirty quid for one.



smac - 4/10/08 at 03:42 PM

Its on Knowsthorpe Lane. Its the smaller of the two on crossgreen - usally cheaper too.

Shamrock GS - 4/10/08 at 04:01 PM

Think I've got one in a box. Will check and let you know


Marlon - 4/10/08 at 04:03 PM

cheers guys.
