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Why has this not sold?
DarrenW - 16/7/09 at 11:04 AM

speedyxjs - 16/7/09 at 11:07 AM

I love this bit:


It has just turned 111'000 miles but this does not reflect the cars condition in any way.


mangogrooveworkshop - 16/7/09 at 11:08 AM

Because its as desirable as a dog turd on your shoe.
In spain they are popular...but in blighty

Steve G - 16/7/09 at 11:11 AM


£3.00 and i'd take it, £30 and i may consider it. £300 i'd walk away, £3000 and i'd laugh in his face!!

DaveFJ - 16/7/09 at 11:20 AM

3k is way over the top even if it is in concourse condition...
but make no mistake, the 4x4 panda is a superb car and very capable off road. I'd love one but not at that price.

Staple balls - 16/7/09 at 11:23 AM

I have just been offered my dream car and the cash would certainly help with funding it.

What the hell has he been offered? An Austin Maestro with tank tracks?

speedyxjs - 16/7/09 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Staple balls

I have just been offered my dream car and the cash would certainly help with funding it.

What the hell has he been offered? An Austin Maestro with tank tracks?

mad4x4 - 16/7/09 at 11:25 AM

Hell I'd have a Fiat Panda 4x4 But not at 3K I'm selling my tricked up Landrover with winches and Seriously big tyres for 3-4K

I'd take the panda for £300 Good fun and show the LR boys something

Mr Whippy - 16/7/09 at 11:27 AM

This is the problem of doing this kind of thing to an ordinary old car, no matter how much you spend on it, nothing like that will ever be recouped when sold on.

Even though it looks like it’s in exceptional condition, its value is really just a few hundred. Maybe in 30-40 years it will be so incredibly rare he could ask quite a bit for it, but not now.

adithorp - 16/7/09 at 11:31 AM

...'cos you can only get 2 grand for it under the scrapage scheme.

I wonder what the weather is like on his planet.

02GF74 - 16/7/09 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Maybe in 30-40 years it will be so incredibly rare he could ask quite a bit for it, but not now.

Ignroing the fact that there will be no petrol to run the thing, do you really thing a bucket sized mound of rust will be worth that much?

speedyxjs - 16/7/09 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Maybe in 30-40 years it will be so incredibly rare he could ask quite a bit for it, but not now.

Ignroing the fact that there will be no petrol to run the thing, do you really thing a bucket sized mound of rust will be worth that much?

Do you really think there will be no petrol? Surley the number of people keeping classic cars would keep the demand for petrol high enough to keep petrol at the forecourts, that is unless they invent a green fuel that can be run in a petrol (or modified petrol) engine.

Mr Whippy - 16/7/09 at 12:46 PM

Well tbh it looks in very good condition and not a rust bucket. Some cars are just lucky and get a good owner who's more willing than most to look after it. Most cars old Escorts and Cortina's etc even my old Bluebird are usually slagged off when they become unfashionable only to later become classic's with surprising prices in the future.

My mark 5 cortina would be worth a few thousand now and I wish I'd never listened to those who slated it and just held onto it

Personally I enjoy seeing old cars that have made it past the crusher, especially ones in great condition as they bring back lots of memory’s.

[Edited on 16/7/09 by Mr Whippy]

02GF74 - 16/7/09 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by speedyxjs

Do you really think there will be no petrol? Surley the number of people keeping classic cars would keep the demand for petrol high enough to keep petrol at the forecourts, that is unless they invent a green fuel that can be run in a petrol (or modified petrol) engine.

yes I do - oil is a finite resource and the whole planet is consuming more and more of it all the time.

there is an alternative already - alcohol - whatthe VW beetles run on in Brazil so in future any surviviing petrol engnied cars will be musuem exhibits, same as steam locomotives.

I don't know what fuel will replace petrol and I have no idea how it can be made in the same quantities as petrol.

interesting times to come.

swanny - 16/7/09 at 02:38 PM

nearly 5 grand in receipts.

at first that sounds good, but as these are spread over 20 years the stuff he replaced in the first ten will be about knackered now anyway.

looking through the pics and comments this car seems to have been restored twice now, and the new owner to look forward to it literally dissolving in front of their eyes like it has for previous owners.

the integrale would be ok for 3k

Danozeman - 16/7/09 at 03:26 PM

I think it has been well underpriced which is whats putting people off such a fine vehicle!!!

Surely its worth 10k easy?!

handyandy - 16/7/09 at 04:16 PM

i honestly thought there must be a typo error with the price, & thats before i read the description, maybe he doesn,t really want to sell it & thats why he,s priced it at 3k, at least he can say to his swmbo that he,s "trying" to sell it?????


MikeRJ - 16/7/09 at 05:13 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
there is an alternative already - alcohol

It's not really a viable alternative as a global petrol replacement; the amount of land that would have to be dedicated to growing crops of alcohol production would put a serious dent in our ability to grow enough food.

Steve G - 16/7/09 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74

there is an alternative already - alcohol

You cant do that - its a waste!! We all know alcohol is strictly for drinking only!!

02GF74 - 16/7/09 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by 02GF74
there is an alternative already - alcohol

It's not really a viable alternative as a global petrol replacement; the amount of land that would have to be dedicated to growing crops of alcohol production would put a serious dent in our ability to grow enough food.

yes I know, for the current petrol usage, ignoring diesel, there probably is not enough land on the planet to grow the crop - my guess of course..... plus the Co2 evolved by the fermentation process will boil the world dry.

LBMEFM - 16/7/09 at 08:54 PM

Did anyone need to ask why it did not sell.

PaulBuz - 20/7/09 at 06:30 PM

all joking aside, it can't be worth more than a couple of hundred quid can it?

gaz_gaz - 20/7/09 at 08:02 PM

i went to watch the Mongol rally leaving Goodwood on Saturday and there was a few of these.

Chap selling that 1's gotta be dreaming?

DaveFJ - 21/7/09 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by PaulBuz
all joking aside, it can't be worth more than a couple of hundred quid can it?

I think you reach a point where the 'standard' value of a particular model of car becomes irrellevant and price is judged on the individual car.

however i agree this is silly money! but would have said that if it is really in perfect condition then 1k isnt unreasonable. as i have said before... these really are superb little 4x4s!


bmseven - 21/7/09 at 05:56 PM

Its a case of each to there own.

As said these really are very capable little cars. As the seller states it is a bit more than most but believe it or not it is probably WORTH 2k all day long.