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Jago jeep anyone?
Danozeman - 5/12/09 at 10:18 AM


I remember this annoying people at one of the shows. Think it was stoneleigh.

MakeEverything - 5/12/09 at 10:29 AM

Yes it was at stoneleigh, and annoying the fk out of most people, and revving the tits off of the big block. The crowd were alarmingly close to the engine that was pissing coolant everywhere, and it didnt look safe at all.

£250???? I wouldnt be surprised if it was nackered or twisted because of the power from the engine.

jacko - 5/12/09 at 10:37 AM

It was at Newark too

trextr7monkey - 5/12/09 at 10:39 AM

The guy who built and raced it- Adam Cuthbert -has a new car - model T, he had taken jeep as fast as it could go, he has transferred big block and running gear to new car and sold the rest to this guy who has stripped off the back axle.

I doubt if chassis is twisted as car was one of the later ones and the ladder chasiss is massively strong.
I personaly think it takes guts to drive such a powerful short wheel based jago - best time for the quarter was about 9.5 secionds and a lot more entertaining than some of the other dragsters.
Live and let live

blakep82 - 5/12/09 at 11:10 AM

i like it
not sure about his 9 second claim. according to his video, it was 9.96

Humbug - 5/12/09 at 11:19 AM

Originally posted by blakep82
i like it
not sure about his 9 second claim. according to his video, it was 9.96

He actually says "9s" - I think that means "nines" as in "9 point something" rather than "nine seconds", in which case 9.96 seconds qualifies

blakep82 - 5/12/09 at 11:40 AM

ah, i took 9s as 9seconds lol.

DrSeg - 5/12/09 at 11:48 AM

hmmm locost builders must have a different attitude to the sounds of engines i amongst other visitors to both Stoneleigh and Newark revelled in the amazing sound and at Newark a full bore run on the ex airfield next to the site for the benefit of a magazine shoot. Such uninformed comments by someone who doesnt even know that 9.99 secs constitutes a "9" in drag racing parlance should be frowned upon in an open forum especially at a time when car clubs should be pulling together rather than making ill informed, rash and in my humble opinion stupid comments about a well sorted race winning vehicle.
a disgruntled Jago owner!

Danozeman - 5/12/09 at 12:11 PM


781.8 bhp supercharged v8 is annoying?

hmmm locost builders must have a different attitude to the sounds of engines i amongst other visitors to both Stoneleigh and Newark revelled in the amazing sound and at Newark a full bore run on the ex airfield next to the site for the benefit of a magazine shoot. Such uninformed comments by someone who doesnt even know that 9.99 secs constitutes a "9" in drag racing parlance should be frowned upon in an open forum especially at a time when car clubs should be pulling together rather than making ill informed, rash and in my humble opinion stupid comments about a well sorted race winning vehicle.
a disgruntled Jago owner!

Thats hell of a first post!! I think most people are referring to the fact he was revving it alot of the day and night annoying the campers..

I personally love vehicles with outragous engines especially in things they werent really designed for!

mangogrooveworkshop - 5/12/09 at 12:13 PM

Fantastic first doing well to replace CALVINX

Originally posted by DrSeg
hmmm locost builders must have a different attitude to the sounds of engines i amongst other visitors to both Stoneleigh and Newark revelled in the amazing sound and at Newark a full bore run on the ex airfield next to the site for the benefit of a magazine shoot. Such uninformed comments by someone who doesnt even know that 9.99 secs constitutes a "9" in drag racing parlance should be frowned upon in an open forum especially at a time when car clubs should be pulling together rather than making ill informed, rash and in my humble opinion stupid comments about a well sorted race winning vehicle.
a disgruntled Jago owner!

MakeEverything - 5/12/09 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Danozeman

781.8 bhp supercharged v8 is annoying?

hmmm locost builders must have a different attitude to the sounds of engines i amongst other visitors to both Stoneleigh and Newark revelled in the amazing sound and at Newark a full bore run on the ex airfield next to the site for the benefit of a magazine shoot. Such uninformed comments by someone who doesnt even know that 9.99 secs constitutes a "9" in drag racing parlance should be frowned upon in an open forum especially at a time when car clubs should be pulling together rather than making ill informed, rash and in my humble opinion stupid comments about a well sorted race winning vehicle.
a disgruntled Jago owner!

Thats hell of a first post!! I think most people are referring to the fact he was revving it alot of the day and night annoying the campers..

I personally love vehicles with outragous engines especially in things they werent really designed for!

Exactly. I think if you read the rest of the forum DrSeg, youll see that we all like the sound of the cars, whether 1300 or V8, it was just the constant revving up and down that was the issue.

Engineering wise, it was quite a feat fitting that engine into the jago, and 9's is a respectable time, whether 9.1 or 9.9.

So in short DrSeg, i wouldnt shoot my mouth off too early until you understand the nature and culture of the forum on which you are posting. Whilst a very brave post, you'll achieve very little but to alienate averyone else. If you dont like that, "Rev Up".

A defensive LCB subscriber.

[Edited on 5/12/09 by MakeEverything]

Confused but excited. - 5/12/09 at 12:59 PM

Perhaps he likes matches.

blakep82 - 5/12/09 at 01:03 PM

ha ha ha quality
so what if i don't know much about drag racing? i probably know a lot about things you don't know about. the idea is to inform people and educate them. not slag them off. humbug's comment was much more useful. i now understand a bit better

"Such uninformed comments by someone who doesnt even know that 9.99 secs constitutes a "9" in drag racing "
perhaps, but will knowing this actually get me very far in life? probably not. i've managed pretty well in the last 27 years without knowing that.

"should be frowned upon in an open forum"
ok, not entirely sure what relevance this has to anything. I should be frowned upon, because i don't know much about drag racing? why?

"in my humble opinion stupid comments"
perhaps ill informed, i'll give you that. stupid? no. i'm definitely not stupid. by your reckoning, this seems to suggest that anyone who doesn't know anything about drag racing is stupid. my mate's a computer programmer, network installer, and regular IT geek, gets sent to work all over the world, has no interest in drag racing, therefore he is thick as mince. brilliant

as said before that car is an awesome piece of engineering. i like it.

visitors to both Stoneleigh and Newark revelled in the amazing sound and at Newark a full bore run on the ex airfield next to the site for the benefit of a magazine shoot. Such uninformed comments by someone who doesnt even know that magazines don't have sound should be frowned upon in an open forum especially at a time when car clubs should be pulling together rather than making ill informed, rash and in my humble opinion stupid comments about a well sorted race winning vehicle.

welcome to the forum

[Edited on 5/12/09 by blakep82]

Confused but excited. - 5/12/09 at 01:08 PM

Ah Christmas...Peace on Earth and good will to all men.
However as there's 600 hours of repeats planned for the telly, I think I'll stay here and get some popcorn and beers.
Go Blakey, go Blakey, go Blakey.......

rusty nuts - 5/12/09 at 01:08 PM

I remember the car in question but IMHO there is a time and place for making loads of noise, the place may have been right but that's about it. As for loud engines the V10 Luego made enough but only at a reasonable time.

dinosaurjuice - 5/12/09 at 02:31 PM

i didnt go to stoneleigh for a good night sleep.

i would pay good money for a V8 alarm clock - turns out it was included in the camping price

DrSeg - 5/12/09 at 03:57 PM

commenting on something you know nothing about could be considered to be quite stupid i'd say?
the crowds that surrounded it when it was revved up at Stoneleigh and those who cheered it wernt annoyed.
I specifically joined to make comment that in my opinion it was neither annoying nor "nackered" and was infact a rather well engineered road legal race car which if i remember correctly was doing 0-60 in 2.4 secs.
I was rather pleased with my first post, it's caused some interest and maybe even been controversial to some eyes but in my opinion the views expressed were such that i took the time to register pay my 1.5 min phone call and answer allegations that i believe inaccurate and untrue. I neither want or expect all people to agree with me but until such time that mods deem my posts to be against forum rules i'll keep my views the same.
V8jago fan

[Edited on 5/12/09 by DrSeg]

MakeEverything - 5/12/09 at 05:43 PM

Nobody has said that your views are against the forum rules, but more aggressive and unnecessarily defensive.

An 'Open Forum' as you put it, is designed to ask opinions, advice and knowledge of other forum members. Dont get all upset when thats exactly what you get.

A lot of the forum members here, are particularly experienced in car building, and automotive engineering (myself included) so i dont think that calling random strangers "Stupid" a wise thing to do. A few members on here are also familiar with 1/4m racing as well, however, this isnt a drag racing forum so try and speak the same language.

No-one has questioned that the car that was built is a decent peice of man engineered machinery, in fact at least two of the posts above state otherwise. The suspicion i cast in my first post, was purely speculative because of the price of that the chassis was advertised at, and there being little description to sell it.

Your post wasnt controvertial, more offensive which is why you had the response that you did. As already expressed, to call random strangers idiots, is somewhat uncalled for and a risky business.

I hope that your next thread starts (or continues) with a little more tact, else i fear that the number of complaints to the moderators could see them moderated. This isnt something that any of us want, as it is an "Open Forum" and individuals are entitled to their opinion.

One other thing, the words "Contributor" means that members with this under their name have contributed financially to the upkeep of the site, so slagging the forum off as well could see some moderation also.

Welcome to the forum, lets start again.

DrSeg - 5/12/09 at 06:07 PM

i also took offence, at the words "annoying" and "nackered" which is why i posted, and will continue that these words have been used without knowledge and may be considered by outsiders reading you collective posts in MY opinion as stupid, not once have i used the word "idiot"

Peteff - 5/12/09 at 07:51 PM

Well I'd like it but I haven't got room for it, knackered or not. I like Jagos and think with a hardtop they would make a decent every day user and it's already registered so another problem solved. Welcome to Locostbuilders DrSeg (Are you a real Doctor?)

v8 jago - 5/12/09 at 08:22 PM

Hi all, Adam here. Its funny how a few words can end up like a battle field. arnt all kitcar builders in the same game ?? Cars and fun ! Yes its my old jeep thats up for sale. I am a drag racer and like big engines especially with superchargers mounted to the top so when i but this engine in my jeep it was like the icing on the cake for me. My jeep coped with this power better than anyone could think it would. Anyone who went to see this jeep would see there is nothing wrong with the chassis as they are designed very well and are very strong. Just reading about the shows and me. If i could just put my side forward and you might realise i wasnt doing it just for the hell of it. Geoff jago was a stoneleigh and his some asked to be a passenger in it so i did 2 laps around near where we were parked and i was been asked all the time to start it and i dont like to do it for the hell of it so i might of started it 3 times in one day and no later than 4 pm so not late at night. Newark complete kit car asked me to do a demo for them and the organisers or newark arrainged for me to do so and thats what was going on in the deserted car park. I know we have different cars but we are petrol heads so hope this long winded first post is read and reapected as a sivel reply and not trying to upset anyone ! Like it seems i might of done without trying to at the shows. P.S Oh my new build it going to be a hell of a lot faster too
Thanks Adam.

[Edited on 5/12/09 by v8 jago]

Feankengeep - 5/12/09 at 10:36 PM

Nice here innit?
Change of scenery.
How boring it would be if we all drove the same cars, same engines, same reasons and had the same opinions.
Very much enjoying my visit

Boyd Rescued attachment th_0041-0609-2407-5632_SM.jpg
Rescued attachment th_0041-0609-2407-5632_SM.jpg

trextr7monkey - 5/12/09 at 11:23 PM

Evening to Seg, Adam and Boyd,
the surprising thing to me as a Jago owner is that the values of the cars are so low when they are so much fun and easy to work on.

Love 'em or hate 'em they are great value -which is why when a load of bits and bobs comes along needing hours of work bargain basement prices kick in.
I think that has what has happened here - it looks too cheap but in reality the buyer needs to replace front struts and brakes, install a power plant, transmission, prop, back axle, fuel tank oh yes and 5 wheels and then spend some time setting it up to drive nicely. They then have a piece of kit car history and a permanent grin. They could pop it on top of an SJ ala Coozer and others

However for similar money a guy in the club is selling a rolling jeep with engine axle etc etc and it becomes a question of do you like lying under the thing or do you want to be driving it?
A couple of hundred quid more buys you an MOTd car that probably needs a few little jobs doing.

For any potential purchasers it is worth pointing out that the weather gear is expensive and highly sought after, the fact that the ex V8 car has a decent hood would make it worth buying for that alone.
Also that particular car was one of a couple that were factory made for auto cross trials or similar which means the chassis should be [almost] bomb proof!!
It would be nice to see it with another V8 dropped, in lets see what happens ...............

coozer - 6/12/09 at 03:59 PM

I dont understand the bickering, I was at both shows and camped right next to the Jago club at Newark and was not aware of any mistermeaners over the whole two days.

There was plenty of tear arsing about at Stoneleigh all over the site.

At Nework everyone was doing the right thing in the bar getting hammered.

Merry xmas all, see you at the shows next year in either my MNR or the Jago

Boost69 - 10/1/10 at 10:43 AM

Looks like I might sell some earmuffs this year at the shows then!!!