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FS Haynes Roadster
dogwood - 25/4/10 at 08:32 AM

I've got to sell my Roadster..
Just had a serious finance prob raise its ugly head.
I'm in need of raising some cash quickly.
Unfortunatly the Roadster is the only thing I've got thats worth anything.

It is now on Ebay

Anyone that knows me should know I'm a genuine builder.
And have only just finished a winter rebuild, with loads of mods.
Inc 2.0 Pinto engine, and full roll cage
Certainly not selling before Stonleigh, and won't be dropping out of the forum.
I'll just start again when this bloody problem goes away.

Got it up for BIN £5750, Will accept offers from forum members

AdrianH - 25/4/10 at 08:35 AM

Very sorry to here it is being sold, hope things go well. See you at Stoneleigh.


Ben_Copeland - 25/4/10 at 03:50 PM

Bugger, that's such a shame

Fozzie - 25/4/10 at 05:52 PM