I've finally admitted that I don't have enough free time to complete my build and now my wife is looking to get the garage cleared out.
My slightly built Locost is for sale on ebay. I'm open to offers and would prefer not to split the parts up.
eBay link here
I like the nice blue colour you've painted it. Could you take another picture of it without that wheel'd ladder in front please?
No offence!!!
Must be a sad moment Mark.
You'd have got more for the donor if you'd not cut it up.Mk2 GL's are fetching good money, even the shells are sought after.
[Edited on 20/8/04 by Peteff]
You after a 2wd Ewan..
2wd would be soooo easy to build, it would be finished in a week..... (unlike my 3 years to get the 4wd where it is)
no, I need to replace my welder.
Ahhh.. That old excuse for not finishing a project... Never used thjat one before...
Sad day put the wife up for sale.
Originally posted by Peteff
You'd have got more for the donor if you'd not cut it up.Mk2 GL's are fetching good money, even the shells are sought after.
I hope that she will still let you out for the occassional pint o stella...
I think I might need to defend my wife - she didn't nag me in to giving up - it was my own choice.
However now I have made that choice she is keen to get the Locost out the garage (before I change my mind?). I can't blame her - I've been
hogging the garage for over 2.5 years!
Originally posted by Big Stu
I hope that she will still let you out for the occassional pint o stella...
You know it makes sense. Just don't tell anyone how much you pay.
My part built car still for sale on eBay and still far too cheap - auction finishes on Sunday 29-Aug-04 23:33:42
ebay link here
I would have gone for it myself if I was closer.
Less than 12 hours left - still at a bargain price!
Ebay bargain part built locost
£155.00, that's peanuts. Mark, don't let it go for that !!
Shame I'm so far away, I've been following your build and the chassis is a good one. Almost finished my Locost and kinda planning on
building a second.
Originally posted by RoadkillUK
£155.00, that's peanuts. Mark, don't let it go for that !!
Looks like there aren't many buyers out there at the moment. I can't believe the price is so low - if I knew how to cancel the ebay auction I would. I'd rather the car spent the next few years rusting in the garage!
ewanspence - 29/8/04 at 09:33 PM
MarkD - 29/8/04 at 09:46 PMEwan - You also have a U2U
Car still for sale - over 40 people watching the auction - just need a few bidders!
wilkingj - 29/8/04 at 09:57 PMMake sure the reserve is high enough, then it wont sell for a silly amount.
I paid a lot more for my abandoned locost project.
I havent started building it yet, its all stored and wrapped up!..
Just built a welder trolley this weekend, to make the build easier. Next job is a bit trestle to build on.. Should have done this months ago!. But depression has stopped me doing a lot this year. Hence the Locost... I decided I needed a goal.
Thats a locost to build, to sell on... then to build a Luego Viento v6 or v8.
I am too BIG to fit in a locost, and my son is 6ft 4 &3/4 (and 16 Stone) and he is only 16!! (rugger player type)
So its build one to learn on it so I dont make a big mess of a not cheap kit.
Went for the Luego, as I like their quality, if not their price.
Its better to spend too much, as its only money.
If you spend too little, you can end up with something that does not do what you wanted it to, and no budget as you have spent it.
If you spend too much, at least you have what you wanted, and it does the job you intended it to.
Best Regards
PS, Hope to get to Donnington, How do we recognise each other?.. (at the show)
At Land Rover Shows, it was a CD ROM as a neclace or stuck on you hat! It puzzled loads of traders and others!!
But it worked very well indeed. I had a small CD in my hatband!...
mangogrooveworkshop - 29/8/04 at 09:59 PMUnder services Ebay
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MarkD - 29/8/04 at 10:09 PMquote:
I paid a lot more for my abandoned locost project....
It's not abandoned - it's just looking for a careful owner!
wilkingj - 29/8/04 at 10:35 PMBEWARE OF ZERO RATED BIDDERS LIKE the one on there NOW.
Cancell their bis unles the email you first before bidding.. one of my conditions.
Everyone has to start somewhere, but most plonkers are Zero rated bidders. ie a bogus ID, set up to pratt about.
You should have put a £5-600 reserve on that lot..
ewanspence - 29/8/04 at 10:38 PMyou've been u2u'd again.
slaggywelder - 29/8/04 at 10:45 PMCrazy,
Just as I'm getting into pace it's stopped, don't anyone know that broadband was built for last minute bidding.
Mark (killersheep - 122 ebay rating)
MarkD - 29/8/04 at 10:49 PMThere were 48 people watching the auction - but next to no bidders - it must be the time of year. I was hoping the combination of the end of month pay days and the Aug bank holiday would have helped the sale. (Must be all us Scots are in bed early because we don't get Monday off )
The last bare chassis on ebay went for £155, uprights went for £80, and back axle £62, so I was expecting a bit more for my collection.
I couldn't bear to 2 1/2 years of blood, sweat & tears (mainly blood & beers, not enough sweat) going for such a low price.
So it looks like I've still got a hobby (and a messy garage) for the moment....
slaggywelder - 29/8/04 at 10:54 PMOkay,
Good on you, I suppose that you had to consider things that suit you first. Damn, damn and bloody damn.
I had spent the whole evening getting my wife to belive that a weekend in the highlands was worth it.
MarkD - 30/8/04 at 09:52 AMGetting loads of grieve from some dsaipointed eBayers. One even accused me of having "bushwhacked the spirit of the rules"!
twinturbo - 30/8/04 at 10:23 AMThose 81 watchers were all waiting to the last minute to start a bidding war...
Many will be using auction snipping
programs to put in a final bid..
Some will sit there at 20 second to go and then put in a final bid... As I was going to.
I do it that way all the time.. It's auction gamesmanship...
You should have left it, if it did not make the reserve then there's not a lot lost..