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StrikerChris - 15/6/12 at 02:08 PM

Or not
Half Built Robin Hood

RichardK - 15/6/12 at 02:30 PM

Not at that price!

mikeb - 15/6/12 at 02:51 PM

sorry not a robin hood fan

loggyboy - 15/6/12 at 02:52 PM

knock a 0 off the end maybe!

parkiboy - 15/6/12 at 03:30 PM

wouldnt pay that if it was completed!

MikeRJ - 15/6/12 at 03:36 PM

Don't know about the car needing "fitting up" but the seller is trying to fit someone up!

omega0684 - 15/6/12 at 04:20 PM


40inches - 15/6/12 at 04:37 PM

Sliding pillock 2B, not worth much over £1500, less £100 for painting the exhaust RED!!!!!!!

Dusty - 15/6/12 at 05:45 PM

There's a years work still left on that and then IVA. £800 would be about right if you really wanted one.

Confused but excited. - 15/6/12 at 06:35 PM

"as you can see the body is of stainless steel and is still in the protective film so no pain required."

DRC INDY 7 - 15/6/12 at 07:30 PM

MMMMMMMMMM Its £4100 too much for a robin hood, more so the sliding pillock suspension. I was not aware that the scrap metal price was that high at the mo

Andi - 15/6/12 at 09:31 PM

Think it is a Sub K not sliding pillock....
Whatever though sooooo over priced.

DRC INDY 7 - 15/6/12 at 09:37 PM

No its defo a 2B sliding pillock model i know i had to put one of these scrap buckets together for somebody

richardh - 16/6/12 at 06:33 AM

4k they guy is totally deluded...... 1k at best. What a muppet