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Isn't this a duratec?
ady8077 - 11/12/06 at 08:47 PM

If it is its very cheap


stevec - 11/12/06 at 08:48 PM


Big Stu - 11/12/06 at 09:49 PM

It certainly looks like a Duratec, however I did not think they were in Mondeo's in 1999. I will probably be wrong. As for the price it is very good if the mileage is geniune and comes with all the extra's

MattCraneCustoms - 11/12/06 at 11:09 PM

Im building using a 2.0 blacktop zetec from a 1999 mondeo, so dunno what that is, but im pretty sure its not from a 99 mondeo

Danozeman - 12/12/06 at 07:06 AM

That looks early duratec to me. But only fitted to the new shape mondingo which i dont think came in till late 2000???

coozer - 19/1/07 at 09:26 AM

They dressedsome of the later zetecs up to llok like duratecs and called them that, may be one of them. Bit old to be a Duratec I think.