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Nintendo Wii availability
UncleFista - 20/11/07 at 11:04 PM

There seems to be a lot of interest on the site regarding the Nintendo Wii due to the shortage.

I know this isn't car related, but I can't think of where else to post it, sooooo.

According to Dixons, they will have 600 wii consoles in stock tomorrow at 8am.

They're bundled with extra games, so they'll be more than the usual £180.

You'll need to be quick (watch the server crash)

Good luck.

oadamo - 20/11/07 at 11:22 PM

last yaer i waited for it outside asda living for 4 hours then they came out and gave everyone tickets.there was 100 tickets i missed out by about 10 people i was well pi55ed off lol.

zilspeed - 20/11/07 at 11:23 PM

Ebay Germany has them from what I can see.

Not that I actually want one.

G3OFF - 21/11/07 at 08:47 AM

went to woolworths in hanley, staffs on sat, they had them in stock.. just in case this helps anyone...

Paul G - 21/11/07 at 09:59 AM

Right I'm up 'anley duck tomorrow to get me a wii!

They had them on amazon germany but now nintendo has stopped them shipping to the uk - so much for EU free trade! Luckily I bought a load while you could still get them, still got 5 left - hopefully the profit I make on them will pay for a turbo conversion!

JJM - 21/11/07 at 12:04 PM

Oh that old chestnut - 'Oh its getting near Christmas lets hold back on Wii stock', rattle up a bit of publicity, then mysteriously find a 'batch' but they only come with a huge markup as there the only ones left in the World...

_Aero_ - 21/11/07 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by JJM
Oh that old chestnut - 'Oh its getting near Christmas lets hold back on Wii stock', rattle up a bit of publicity, then mysteriously find a 'batch' but they only come with a huge markup as there the only ones left in the World...

It's a well publicised fact that the Wii is outselling PS3 or Xbox 360 by at least 2:1... supply and demand. Do you blame them for such an innovative machine?

'course I'm not bothered as Wii have one... and paid the proper price!