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Carrying a spare wheel
AndyE - 27/7/04 at 07:39 PM

I met a chap today with a caterham 7 in a Petrol station.

He was a bit snobby but I chatted to him anyway.

I noticed he had a spare wheel, so I asked him how he'd change it. He said he wasn't carrying (and doesn't ever carry) a wheel brace or a jack. How is he supposed to fit the spare? What's the point in even carrying it?

Moreover, do you locost guys carry a jack if you carry a spare? Do you just rely on the fact that you can lift a corner of your car, and that you'll have something to prop the car up on?

Just wondering!!

[Edited on 27/7/04 by AndyE]

Jon Ison - 27/7/04 at 08:06 PM

spare wheel in a can, m mobile phone.

pbura - 27/7/04 at 08:37 PM

Wonder why the guy was snobby...

Was he French?


theconrodkid - 27/7/04 at 08:41 PM

catering van owner snobby?surley not,i have a tin of tyre weld and an escort jack with a cut down handle,escort wheel brace,never know if you may need to get underneath

Skirrow - 28/7/04 at 01:16 AM

AA can change the wheel for him, otherwise he will have to pay for a call out fee for a tyre company.