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Parkinson Model F Vice Jaws
Hellfire - 14/12/11 at 06:47 PM

My father has an old Parkinson Model F (No 9) vice with quick release. It's in pretty good condition for it's age but could do with a set of replacement jaws. Jaws are 6 5/8" long x 1" wide x 5/8 thick with 5" c/c fixings. Is this a standard size for vice jaws and any ideas if/where I can get a pair?


trikerneil - 14/12/11 at 07:46 PM

Any of THESE any good?



Hellfire - 14/12/11 at 08:01 PM

Not really sure. They're for Irwin Record vices but don't give any real dimensions in the description.......
