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On line welding suppliers?
locoboy - 16/11/05 at 07:50 PM

I have just been out in the shed hoping to get a bit ow welding done and whilst removing the tip on the mig torch it broke off leaving part of it stuck in the threaded end.

I have tried to no avail to get it out and have knackered the end of the swan neck trying to do so

I now need a new brass swan neck for a SIP migmate 130 turbo.

Anyone know of any good online suppliers?

this makes me look really lazy but i work in the middle of nowhere where there is a bakery and a postoffice and certainly nowhere close to a shop that would supply anything like what im after!


flak monkey - 16/11/05 at 08:05 PM


big_wasa - 16/11/05 at 08:43 PM

I got a full kit for my sip150 turbo on ebay.

the linear I got with it made a big differance to my welds.

See ebay link I was pleased. Read small print as you dont get plastic handle or brass gas valve.

lexi - 16/11/05 at 11:26 PM

Phone SIP directly. They will send you a new one for about a tenner. Same happened to mine only mine didn`t "break off".............I BROKE IT OFF.

ayoungman - 17/11/05 at 09:38 AM

try this one locoboy !



[Edited on 17/11/05 by ayoungman]