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re: Block and Tackle
greglogan - 8/2/06 at 11:47 PM

I'm thinking of getting a block and tackle to help with stripping the Sierra esp taking out the engine and 'box. Anybody got any idea what weight in kg that would be. I plan to use this for other stuff again so it could be useful to have. I was thinking in the 1000kg one.

k33ts - 8/2/06 at 11:54 PM

dont know how much an engine and box weighs but it wont be any more than 150kg
1000kg would be more than ample

iank - 9/2/06 at 09:16 AM

1000kg one will safely and easily lift the car off the ground (assuming the roof beam, frame is man enough).

They already have a built in safety margin, so picking one say 1.5 times stronger than the heaviest thing you will ever want to lift is reasonable IMO.

Problem with a really big one is it will be unweildy and heavy to mount.

UncleFista - 9/2/06 at 11:50 AM

I bought one from Netto/Lidl (can't remember) 500Kg capacity, electric hoist/winch for £40.

It had no problems at all lifting my crossflow+'box out, not the kind of tool I'll be using week in/week out but nice to have ready. It beats lifting the engine out with a fencepost and some rope

Check out the Netto/Lidl/Aldi sites, they'll no doubt be on sale again at some point

garyo - 9/2/06 at 12:25 PM

machine mart do winches starting at £12+Vat for a 600lb rating. I've used one a couple of times without problem. It needs more overhead room than the crane though, so beware if you have a low gge ceiling.


Confused but excited. - 9/2/06 at 07:19 PM

The cheap £12 winch is not intended for lifting though. It is intended for pulling things ( boats cars etc. ) onto trailers.
Life is a risk, how big is up to you!

dave_w11 - 9/2/06 at 09:08 PM

I got one of those block and tackle things off ebay for fairly cheap and it worked ok for getting the engine out the sierra. Garage creaked and groaned a bit though.

I went and got a 2 tonne one as it was only a couple of quid dearer than the 1 tonne so I thought why not? Answer: you have to pull the little chains twice as far and it takes ages

[Edited on 9/2/06 by dave_w11]