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GRP scratch
iscmatt - 13/9/06 at 11:46 AM


i was just filing my grp and have put a massive scratch across the bonnet, is there a way of reparing the damage or not?

regards matt

pawgrp - 13/9/06 at 12:02 PM

depends on the depth of the scratch. If you bring the bonnet to mk on saturday ( not this one ) and ask for me (paul) i will see if i can either buff it out or repair it for you

iscmatt - 13/9/06 at 08:16 PM

right cheers paul, are you at mk evary sat (when not at shows etc) as it wont be straight away that i bring the bonnet as i'm going to uni. maybe closer to christmas, can i have an email address to contact you closer to the time (or just ring mk?

cheers for your help

twybrow - 20/9/06 at 09:44 AM

As long as you can get hold of the gel coat, the repair should be easy! Very similar to normal paint work, but easier to finish!