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Who has a 5 axis CNC mill at home?
Alan B - 31/5/07 at 07:27 PM

Well certainly not me..........but it will be interesting to see what we having milling wise.

I have a Chinese made bridgeport type mill with DRO...pretty good for the most part...

David Jenkins - 31/5/07 at 07:29 PM

I have an ancient Cowells hand-powered shaper - does that count?

12a RX-7 - 31/5/07 at 07:31 PM

got cincinatti No.2 universal with a high speed vertical head ... it was a bugger to get in place as it weighs a couple of tonnes. Not got it wired in nor can I afford the tooling to use it properly (budget 2-3 times the cost of the mill in tooling if you are pricing up a decent sized mill)

dave r - 31/5/07 at 07:57 PM

i have nearly a ton and a half of denbeigh in the workshop

not cnc but still plenty good enough

nearly killed me getting it over the gravel at home!

scottc - 31/5/07 at 08:22 PM

If I had one, what would it do

Is it just for cutting slotted holes (like alternator mount brackets?) Or can you basically take a lump of 3" square steel and come away with a 3D oem looking bracket?

I'm thinking a 2 axis rather than a 5 axis cnc machine. Not sure I can convince the wife I need one.

Funny, I have no idea what it does, but I want one already!

Hellfire - 31/5/07 at 08:55 PM

I could get use of one if it helps... depends what it is for as it is not mine.


Wadders - 31/5/07 at 09:10 PM

Would love a bridgeport, but space is precious so have to make do with a tom senior M1.


NS Dev - 31/5/07 at 09:19 PM

Have no mill, boo!!!

Have use of Bridgeport brj's at work, and we have a vertical cnc and slant bed cnc but I haven't a clue how to use the toolpath software or set em up so i talk nicely to the toolroom guys who help me out!

Best bit of kit there is the CNC wire eroder, that gets quite a bit of use!!

Would also love a bridgeport brj or similar copy for home, and I think I could find room, but haven't found time to sort one yet, and yep, the tooling is pricey though easy to find at sales.

TGR-ECOSSE - 31/5/07 at 09:31 PM

I dont have or need a mill as i have 2 teenage sons that can drill and file most things. I have told them that its good way to learn I came in from work last week to find 8 perfect shock absorber brackets on the bench as my eldest had a day off from studying

Alan B - 31/5/07 at 09:59 PM

Originally posted by scottc
......Funny, I have no idea what it does, but I want one already!

I think that, in a nutshell, sums up guys and tools...

David Jenkins - 1/6/07 at 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Alan B
I think that, in a nutshell, sums up guys and tools...

I've had to call a halt to that game - I just have NOWHERE to put any more tools!