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Pillar drill broken
hillbillyracer - 9/9/07 at 09:28 PM

I've broken my pillar drill doing a favour for a mate, he needed some gate hinges drilling out & the drill bit snagged & broke the bit free on the morse taper which then snapped the tang off the top of the bit. The broken bit is no worry but now it's leaking oil (or it did for about 20mins till it drained out!) out down the spindle from the gearbox.
Feeling is that something has cracked or split & it may be stuffed. Anybody know how they come apart? Or mabye recommend a engineering forum that may be of help? It's a "Progress No2"
Alternatively is anyone selling a pillar drill? Ideally on single phase with a No3 morse taper.

wheelfelloff - 10/9/07 at 10:12 AM

Try posting your question here:

There should be someone who has had one of those apart. I always find them helpful and knowledgable



hillbillyracer - 10/9/07 at 09:31 PM

Cheers for that, I'l have a good look around in there first, the layout of it is a little different to most forums.