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Speed - Hole saw
kango - 16/6/08 at 08:27 AM

What speed should I set my drill to when using a 25mm hole saw?

bilbo - 16/6/08 at 08:30 AM

This may be of use:

Edited to say DOH! - should read your post better. Talking about hole saws, not drills.

[Edited on 16/6/08 by bilbo]

Peteff - 16/6/08 at 08:56 AM

Another good tip someone (Andy donut I think) put up a while back was to swap the drill for a piece of solid bar same diameter once your centre hole is through. It gives much better more solid location.

Mr Whippy - 16/6/08 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Peteff
Another good tip someone (Andy donut I think) put up a while back was to swap the drill for a piece of solid bar same diameter once your centre hole is through. It gives much better more solid location.

as above, makes a world of difference, especially drilling grp. Though just use a normal drill on its own to make the guide hole rather than change the cutter over.

BenB - 16/6/08 at 10:34 AM

Yup. Much easier to replace the drill bit in the hole saw with a bit of rod then just drill a normal hole with a bit of the same size and swap the bit to the hole cutter.

For GRP you can go pretty damn quick with a hole saw If it starts smoking slow down a bit before you do the full Ray Mears impression.....

kango - 16/6/08 at 11:19 AM

Thanks, I an making "A" arms.
What is the best way to index the pipe at the same plane - if I have drilled though the one side and set it up to drill the orher side that the 2 holes are going to be at the same angle. A bit difficult to explain, but if you made them before you will know what I mean.

Fred W B - 16/6/08 at 01:11 PM

Hi Kango

Lay the pipe in a piece of angle and use the edge of the angle to draw a straight line down the pipe with a marker


Fred W B

liam.mccaffrey - 16/6/08 at 02:39 PM

i have set my lathe up to do exactly this sort of thing,

kango - 16/6/08 at 04:59 PM

Like your new Avatar Fred W B

The 90 deg cut went ok at 350 rps. The 38 Deg cut destroyed my brand new hole saw. So it is back to gring and fitting. Unfortunately no lathe.