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PC help please
oldtimer - 24/3/09 at 08:19 AM

Can somebody tell me how to stop programmes preloading? not sure of the terminology, but, some progs load up and are then selectable down the bottom right of my desktop screen - with the icons - I don't want to loose the progs, just stop them preloading(?)

vinny1275 - 24/3/09 at 08:23 AM

Depends on the program, if you right-click on them and choose the options or preferences menu, you should be able to switch off the auto-load on startup.

You can also follow the instructions here

to select the stuff you want to start when your machine starts....



Staple balls - 24/3/09 at 08:26 AM

I generally use autoruns.

It's pretty scary looking, and you have to be moderately careful, but it does the job well.

ReMan - 24/3/09 at 08:27 AM

Some programs insist and actully have to do this.
Some do it to make their presence known!
You MAY be able to stop some by looking in the "startup" folder on the start-programs-startup menu
If there are any in there you recognize drag them out onto the desktop and try a re-start
Others will be harder though some have options in confit to allow you to chose this or not
Starter for 10!

ReMan - 24/3/09 at 08:27 AM

Some programs insist and actully have to do this.
Some do it to make their presence known!
You MAY be able to stop some by looking in the "startup" folder on the start-programs-startup menu
If there are any in there you recognize drag them out onto the desktop and try a re-start
Others will be harder though some have options in confit to allow you to chose this or not
Starter for 10!

ReMan - 24/3/09 at 08:27 AM

Some programs insist and actully have to do this.
Some do it to make their presence known!
You MAY be able to stop some by looking in the "startup" folder on the start-programs-startup menu
If there are any in there you recognize drag them out onto the desktop and try a re-start
Others will be harder though some have options in confit to allow you to chose this or not
Starter for 10!

britishtrident - 24/3/09 at 08:30 AM

Programs pre-load in various ways ----

First line of attack is to clear out anything in the start up menu.

Second line of attack is use a free program called Highjackthis (nb note spellins is all one word --- some ripp off programs) use very similar names to try and get rid of any program start up entries added since the original windows install.

If you install hijack this and install it you should be able to find and stop most of the programs you don't want running. If you are uncertain of anything just post the Hijackthis log here and we will try and sort it out for you.

However some programs are more difficult to stop running but try the above 2 methods and get back tto us if they don't work.

viatron - 24/3/09 at 08:32 AM

If its XP run "msconfig" from the start then run dialogues, it has a tab called "Statup" where you can select what loads on startup, safe and you can always just gto bak in a set an item back to srt if you find you need it later

oldtimer - 24/3/09 at 10:09 AM

Thanks for everyones help, much faster start up now thanks.

McLannahan - 24/3/09 at 01:21 PM

It's been covered now but I use a small little application called "Startup Control Panel"

It's tiny in size, free and diffcult to make mistakes with it.

Nice thing about it is that you can "test the water", disable something and if it causes an issue just enable it again!