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Another 'dumb' question
Mark Allanson - 9/10/09 at 04:05 PM

Why does my works windows folder say it is 7.62gb when you right click and select properties, and when you go into the folder and select all and then properties does it say it is 2.25gb. I can see the 'dulled' out hidden folders and these are selected.

Is this the 'dark matter' that all the scientist are on about?

Madinventions - 9/10/09 at 04:24 PM

In Windows explorer, click the Tools menu, then click Folder Options, and then select the View tab. Get rid of the tickbox in the 'Hide protected operating system files' box.

Voila - all files get included when you do a 'select all'.


blakep82 - 10/10/09 at 01:45 AM

i'd like to know why i've got a 50gb hard disc on this laptop, with only about 7gb free, when i've got very little installed on it, no MP3s, no videos, and not many photos on it...

Ninehigh - 10/10/09 at 07:36 AM

Sounds like you want to run Ccleaner and window washer to begin with.. I don't think standard windows guff fills 43Gb