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Vista Codec
mistergrumpy - 13/9/10 at 10:27 AM

I've downloaded a tune off Amazon as I do from time to time and I'm trying to import it onto Windows Movie Maker but it says it won't have it because of it not having a codec? All my other Amazon tunes import fine but not this one. I've downloaded it twice to check if I'd done summat wrong but no.
I've typed Vista codec into Google and just been baffled by what comes up. I've opened some sites but there doesn't seem to be a big button saying download so basically I'm now stuck.
Can anyone give me a link to a big button that will solve all my problems?

BenB - 13/9/10 at 10:28 AM

WMP usually includes an option to automatically download codecs as needed. Make sure it's ticked....

mistergrumpy - 13/9/10 at 10:31 AM

Looking for a box to tick now and struggling a bit. Cheers Ben.

Peteff - 13/9/10 at 10:35 AM

Try this it might help and if it doesn't you can always uninstall it.

mistergrumpy - 13/9/10 at 10:58 AM

Codec update box was already checked on WMP.
That programme doesn't work Pete. says "MySQL error!" cannot connect to mysql server via a sock or summat.
Thanks so far though.

mistergrumpy - 13/9/10 at 11:13 AM

Hurray. Sorted somehow.
Cheers all