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Embedding Google Earth into a website
greenwood03 - 21/12/10 at 02:14 PM

I bought myself a GPS tracker to log tours/routes. The software that it comes with fires up google maps and shows the route and allows for pics etc to be added along the displayed route and then saved for future viewing. It also allows the route to be viewed in google earth, and for the file to be saved as a KMZ file.

I want to publish that route on my website. So i've uploaded that KMZ file and if i open the link in a browser i can see the route perfectly in google maps. However, although i downloaded the google earth 'gadget' and generated the code for GE and the route it doesn't work though the website. By which i mean: i can navigate through my website to the page that should display GEarth - and indeed GE does reveal itself - BUT it doesn't show the soute that exists within that KMZ file ( the sam efile that i can access directly through another broswer). So i'm obviously missing a trick somewhere along the line.

Anyone got any suggestions as to why when i navigate through the wesbite to the right page i can only see google earth ( the main starting image of the world ) and not the actual route??