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USB HDD connected to Wifi router - security?
nick205 - 12/7/11 at 10:49 AM

Reading a recent post by GregLogan reminded me to ask this one.

I have an external USB HDD connectoed to my Netgear router via built in USB port. This works well and has saved me spending out on a NAS box for the time being.

Question: does the HDD now sit behind the router's firewall and is there anyithing I should take into account in terms of security....?

phelix - 12/7/11 at 11:32 AM

It's as secure as your wireless LAN and router setup. Best to do the following:

SSID not the default and not broadcast
use the highest level on encryption possible that's supported by all wifi devices
change the router's login password to something strong (i.e. mixed case alphanumeric with the odd special character thrown in)
turn off all port forwarding on the router unless absolutely required
run up-to-date AV and spyware programmes on all devices. no point in bolting the front door and leaving the back door open.
consider turning off the router when not in use

nick205 - 12/7/11 at 12:10 PM

Originally posted by phelix
It's as secure as your wireless LAN and router setup. Best to do the following:

SSID not the default and not broadcast - DONE
use the highest level on encryption possible that's supported by all wifi devices - DONE
change the router's login password to something strong (i.e. mixed case alphanumeric with the odd special character thrown in)
turn off all port forwarding on the router unless absolutely required - NEED TO CHECK
run up-to-date AV and spyware programmes on all devices. no point in bolting the front door and leaving the back door open. - DONE
consider turning off the router when not in use - ALWAYS OFF UNLESS IN USE

Thanks for that, need to check the port forwarding settings for the router.

onenastyviper - 14/7/11 at 12:13 PM

I have found it handy to only allow specific MAC addresses to use my wireless router, something to look into perhaps?