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Monitor died
Blackbird Rush - 30/8/12 at 06:00 PM

Hi All

I have a samsung syncmaster 226CW used as a 2nd monitor on my laptop, all of a sudden its just died no warning just went blank and no life at all ???

Had a google and thought it may be the PSU capacitors they look OK i.e. no bulging.

Any ideas or bin it, had it a couple of years and it was 2nd hand when i got it.

Ta for any help.


bi22le - 30/8/12 at 06:52 PM

Fuse in the plug?

Dont laugh, we have all jumped in at the deep end and expected the worse for no reason!!!

balidey - 30/8/12 at 07:20 PM

or kicked the VGA cable out the back of the PC

gremlin1234 - 30/8/12 at 09:48 PM

probably will be the psu capacitors,
but also maybe the back-light, is there any trace of an image, (use a very bright torch to look)

does the power light come on at all?

Blackbird Rush - 30/8/12 at 10:26 PM


Have tried a different lead i know works...... nothing

There is no life whatsoever no power on lights etc....

maybe try and get hold of some replacement caps then (nothing to loose!)


Surrey Dave - 31/8/12 at 07:29 AM

I've been lucky with a monitor and a Samsung 37" tv changing capicitors, so may be worth a go , ebay is an easy place to get the parts. Sometimes kits are listed for a particular monitor (usually Samsung)

Blackbird Rush - 1/10/12 at 06:49 PM

Getting round to fixing this , popped by maplin to get some caps , they didn't have an 820 mf cap only a 1000 mf one.

How important with caps is it to get an identical one?


gremlin1234 - 1/10/12 at 07:08 PM

best to try and get the same rating, and certainly the same construction. - only replace electrolytics with new electrolytics
though generally +100% / -50% might/should work.
the voltage rating however must not be less than you currently have, but it would be fine to replace 16v rated ones with anything above (say 25v ) though higher voltage ones tend to be larger.