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Browsers driving me nuts!
red22 - 30/1/14 at 10:16 PM

My internet is driving me nuts. Cant view websites correctly or the sites wont load or take forever to get there. If I refresh the page it might load correctly or it might not. This isnt limited to one browser, I'm getting the same symptoms whether I'm using chrome, IE or firefox.

I've got Avast installed and thats showing no problems and scanned with Malwarebytes with the same result.

Other devices connected to my router/modem are fine. So it seems to be just my computer.

Anyone got any ideas?


scottfraser - 30/1/14 at 10:36 PM

there's a simple web site that will test things for you to see if your internet connection is slowing things down. Have a look at this web site:-

if it's showing that your connection is reasonably fast have a look a the programs that are installed, sort them by date, then if you don't know what they are uninstall them....

Just as long as you don't get rid of needed programs....

benchmark51 - 30/1/14 at 10:56 PM

Have you tried a reboot?
Or maybe turn off your modem for at least 10 secs then restart.
Find out if your internet supplier has any issues causing problems
Do a disk cleanup.

red22 - 30/1/14 at 11:10 PM

No new programs added, ccleaner gets run everyday and my internet speed is up around 50-60mbs. Also other devices on the connection are fine just my computer that is suffering. Has to be something that has happened recently but cant figure out what.

I wondered if some rogue windows update might have affected it so trying to uninstall those to see if thats it.


Scuzzle - 30/1/14 at 11:15 PM

Who is your internet supplier, the likes of AOL / Talktalk are brutal for slowing down your connection at the last few days of a month then it goes back to normal when the next month starts even if you are on an unlimited package, I've no idea why this happens but it does.

red22 - 30/1/14 at 11:37 PM

I'm with Virgin but the connection seems fine as other devices are working ok and as mentioned the speed is plenty fast enough.

I forgot to mention that sometimes when accessing a website the browser will try and download it as a file. This isnt website specific and happens randomly. And no I'm not trying to access sites I shouldn't.


snakebelly - 31/1/14 at 03:46 AM

First thing I would do is download and run malwarebytes from the link below, it's also worth paying for the pro version IMHO

Malwarebytes download

britishtrident - 31/1/14 at 08:30 AM

From your description it like sounds like corruption of your networking settings rather than a virus or badly behaved BHO.
It would help to know what version of Windows you have and how it connects to the internet.

I don't have time to give a full reply so I am going to assume it isn't a problem with your home network (ie duff Home Plug or near neighbour on same wireless channel).

I would advise using Microsofts own tools rather than jumping in straight away with 3rd party software. The first step would be to do a Winsock & TCP/IP stack repair you don't say which version of Windows you have but a Google on "TCP/IP stack repair" will tell you how to do it.
If that dosen't work and you have a relatively modern version of windows roll windows just back to a previous state.

Also be aware that some AV programs cause more problems than they solve and can cause timeouts I am not a big fan of Avast, AVG or Norton. Also beware of Windows freeware tune up utilities, CCleaner is OK but a lot of them aren't.

mcerd1 - 31/1/14 at 08:50 AM

as above - we really need to know which windows version it is...

have you been doing all the updates ?

and how high spec'd a machine is it ?

Originally posted by red22
ccleaner gets run everyday

I've run several windows PC's for years on 2k, XP and win7 and never ever needed ccleaner or anything like it

the useless IT folk at work sometimes use it on some of the older machines - at best it make no difference, at worst it makes them even slower -- if your PC is really that bad then a complete fresh install of windows from scratch is the only thing that works

johnH20 - 31/1/14 at 11:25 AM

I am having a similar problem to the OP. I am running Widows 7 and currently IE 10 with Avast. Problems started in December when my automatic update installed IE 11. On advice I have uninstalled this and it has improved things significantly. In December my Avast subscription was also renewed but I cannot remember if any fundamentally new software was installed at that time but I have auto updates on. I am still having problems with some sites, unfortunately some are financial. I have been advised to look at my security settings but I am unsure what to do specifically. Needless to say I am only marginally computer literate. Any advice from the multi talented on here?

britishtrident - 31/1/14 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by johnH20
I am having a similar problem to the OP. I am running Widows 7 and currently IE 10 with Avast. Problems started in December when my automatic update installed IE 11. On advice I have uninstalled this and it has improved things significantly. In December my Avast subscription was also renewed but I cannot remember if any fundamentally new software was installed at that time but I have auto updates on. I am still having problems with some sites, unfortunately some are financial. I have been advised to look at my security settings but I am unsure what to do specifically. Needless to say I am only marginally computer literate. Any advice from the multi talented on here?

You can roll back Windows 7 to a previous state using "System Restore" which is on a Accessories -> System Tools section of the Start Menu.
This webpage is for Vista but procedure is the same Link to Microsoft site insttructions

However before doing this for a simpler solution you could try installing Chrome or Firefox although they don't all work out of the box with some websites.

red22 - 31/1/14 at 03:44 PM

Thanks for the advice. Tried the tcp/ip repair with no luck but after googling it sounded like that would do it.

I think I've narrowed it down and I think I've found the problem.I assumed that it had to be a windows update cuasing the problem but after uninstalling all the recent ones with no difference I ruled that out.

JohnH2O I'm running the same software as you and we seem to be getting very similar problems. I have narrowed it down to the most recent Avast update. I have uninstalled Avast and now everything back to normal.

Now all I have to do is find a different antivirus program. BritishTrident feel free to recomend one as I was going to revert back to AVG.
