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transferring icons/shortcuts laptop-had-laptop, HELP!!!!
fha772 - 9/4/14 at 08:11 AM

Hi all,

I'm trying to transfer some music, and jingles from 1 laptop, to another using a hdd.
The reason for transferring is the old laptop is on the way out, and I want it on the hdd as a back up for the future.

The problem I'm having is, I've got a couple of shortcut icons on the screen, that are 2 sets of jingles that are set up ready to go, and I'd like to tranfer them as is without having to go through the process of setting them up again on the replacement computer.

The old laptop is running Xl, and the new laptop is running windows vista.

Cheers Frank.

designer - 9/4/14 at 08:16 AM

I understood you can just create a new shortcut after you have moved the files.

Slimy38 - 9/4/14 at 08:20 AM

You could copy the shortcuts directly if the file locations they refer to match. However, if you're going from XP to Vista it's likely the file locations will be different.

You could copy the shortcuts then update them, but that wouldn't be any easier than just creating new ones.