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Computer whizzkid needed
splitrivet - 20/11/04 at 11:16 AM

Daughter just rang me (in tears)she's up in sheffield at uni.
She's having problems with her puter in as much as she cant download anything,if she tries to save anything by right clicking and "save target as" its greyed out, or be trying to save in any other manner is a no no

She's spoken to a techie at blue yonder her internet provider and he reckons her download manager may be corrupt.

Seems she's got to get a dissetation ready and its getting to her a bit.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Hellfire - 20/11/04 at 11:24 AM

Try re-installing OS. It shouldn't overwrite her previously downloaded files...

Failing that - I live near Sheffield - I don't mind trying to resolve it personally for a few beer tokens.

Peteff - 20/11/04 at 11:34 AM

It sounds like the content advisor in internet options under tools on the top bar. Open it and under the Content heading there is an option to enable or if enabled to disable it

splitrivet - 20/11/04 at 12:09 PM

Its not the content advisor Pete already tried that,thanks anyway.

Thanks for the offer hellfire I'll keep you posted.


[Edited on 20/11/04 by splitrivet]

Peteff - 20/11/04 at 01:19 PM
It sounds like a hijacker problem.

splitrivet - 20/11/04 at 02:41 PM

Tried that pete but it wont let her dowload the files needed for the scan.

theconrodkid - 20/11/04 at 06:21 PM sound familiar?

Benzine - 20/11/04 at 06:44 PM

We have this problem in our digital music lab. All we do is use Mozilla browser (free) and it works fine when you right click and save

Then again if she can't download i don't know how she'd get this file unless you email or something :S

splitrivet - 20/11/04 at 07:41 PM

Looks like her fellas going to bring her over tomorow I'll take a butchers at her machine then drive her back.

It sure is strange, she cant even read her emails so it looks like its a virus.

cassidym - 20/11/04 at 11:27 PM

Bob, what you can look for:

a. Check that you have enough disk space available, especially if saving problem occurs outside browser as well.
b. Do a virus scan.
c. Do a spyware scan - there's good free packages available on the net that scan the registry (assuming we're talking Windoze) and will delete upon requests entries related to IE helper programs.
d. Check that no firewall software is being run on the system.
e. If antivirus software is running diable and check whether you can save.

If you have problem only in IE, then removing helper programs and reinstalling IE may do the trick.

Very interested to know what you'll find.


splitrivet - 21/11/04 at 09:11 AM

Cheers guys, let you know the result later.