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test poll
jonathan blake - 26/4/06 at 08:47 AM

please ignore i'm just trying to get a poll working

iscmatt - 26/4/06 at 09:23 AM

i just couldn't resist voting!

jonathan blake - 26/4/06 at 09:28 AM

well at least i know that it works now



Deckman001 - 26/4/06 at 09:37 AM

Glad my vote was a popular one !!


Mike R-F - 26/4/06 at 12:15 PM

Darn! I tried to vote the other way, but it seems I made the most popular choice too! I must be so predictable.

I'm depressed now.

Please don't do anymore meaningless polls!
I can't stand the inevitability of it all.

iscmatt - 27/4/06 at 02:45 AM

my choice was just right - the lowest so far!

jollygreengiant - 27/4/06 at 04:26 AM

sorry just couldn't resist any longer.