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Which file share?
scotty g - 20/9/06 at 05:02 PM

Hi all, my limewire program went tits up recently and i can't seem to find a free download now, what do you guys use/reccomend.

Hellfire - 20/9/06 at 05:25 PM

Bitlord... apparently that's good!

Peteff - 20/9/06 at 05:26 PM

I use utorrent, it's a minute download and uses very little resources.

Hammerhead - 20/9/06 at 06:27 PM

I use bearshare

ecosse - 20/9/06 at 06:50 PM

Emule and Azureus (although using Azureus more these days)



UncleFista - 20/9/06 at 07:01 PM

I used Azureus for a looong time, after a couple of problems I downloaded Utorrent and never looked back

RazMan - 20/9/06 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
I used Azureus for a looong time, after a couple of problems I downloaded Utorrent and never looked back

Same here, although I get much faster downloads in the early hours - presumeably because my ISP throttles down my connection during peak times.

JackNco - 20/9/06 at 09:22 PM

You can get pretty much anyting you want from all of them these days

P2P software limewire is meant 2 be the best

Torrents use for the software and get files from

But remeber atm they are still searching on P2P software for ppl downloding mp3s. but torrent software is much easier to track illegal downloads, i woudlnt recomend downloading anything illegal from the net for a while. and thats not just a disclaimer to cover my ass, ive stoped using them as things are really heating up in the copyright world. but if you wanna take the risk ide use a torrent source


peterriley2 - 20/9/06 at 09:52 PM

one thing that ive done, download bitlord (free) then download limewire pro with bitlord (newest version), and get limewire pro cracked free. now ive just got to download the bitlord pro with limewire......

Just - 21/9/06 at 02:43 PM

Peer guardian 2 should be a must have too, to ensure that you are not spotted.....

Jasper - 21/9/06 at 03:33 PM

Bit Tornado - doesn't mess with my firewall......