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adding javascript to canned web page
pbura - 18/10/06 at 04:42 PM

To raise cash for my Locost project (and food ), I've started a small business of making custom wooden jigsaw puzzles, and am now creating a website.

To set up the web pages, I'm using Yahoo Sitebuilder, a "dummy-proof" utility that works very well for many functions. I need to create an interactive form for customers to generate a price estimate. My service provider does not permit cgi scripts, but that's not a big problem. The form does not have to interact with any kind of database. The customer would enter the name of the picture in a text field, the size of the puzzle and the base price in other fields, then start applying options and calculate a total.

The Sitebuilder program has a tool for making forms that are javascript-based, with various form elements such as text boxes, drop-down lists, and radio buttons. However, there is no way to designate fields as being numeric and performing calculations. So, I'm looking for a workaround, namely to add javascript code to the page, using WordPad or the like.

So, here are my questions:

  1. What's a good book/online source to learn how to write the code?
  2. Do you think the Sitebuilder proggie would freak out if I did my manual massaging of the page before publishing the site?

Any insights or suggestions would be most welcome!

Arthur Dent - 18/10/06 at 05:47 PM

Javascript should do exactly what you need. You'll need to edit the html files with a text editor of course. Not sure on the particulars of Sitebuilder but it hopefully wouldn't bugger it up too much. If it does you can always switch to a proper hmtl editor. Javascript isn't hard to learn (but very annoying to de-bug) - borrow a book or find a website tutorial.

pbura - 18/10/06 at 06:25 PM

Ah, it's good to hear an informed opinion. :

I'm one of those people whose eye's glaze over when they hear SQL- or PHP-speak, definitely old school (first computer a Kaypro II in 1982). I was up til 5 A.M. this morning trying to figure out WTF was going on.

Thanks, Arthur, I'm off to the library!

JackNco - 19/10/06 at 01:43 AM

Fraid im all PHP n SQL !

I wouldn't recommend JavaScript to anyone that doest know what there doing, ive done quite a few sites and i wouldn't recommend java at all, i avoid it at all costs!

Give me a call after about 5 tmrw n ill happily give u any advice i can


JackNco - 19/10/06 at 01:44 AM

ok just noticed ur in the states, im on MSN most of the time

pbura - 19/10/06 at 01:44 PM

Thanks for the offer, John! I have learned almost enough javascript to do my dinky form, so will proceed that way for now, just to get up.

Thank God it's only one page!