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I need a Wii !!
RazMan - 25/10/07 at 10:44 PM

A longshot I know but has anyone got one going cheapish?

donut - 26/10/07 at 07:58 AM

They are like hens teeth and to get one cheap would be like finding rocking horse poo!

We bought one for my son for his birthday last April and we could not find one anywhere. My wife found Argos reserve numbers being sold on Ebay so we bought one of those, went to the Argos store and bought it!

They are good those Wii's, very clever.

alfasudsprint - 26/10/07 at 08:09 AM

I managed to find one at Game this week. Love it. You wont find a discount though, only a premium on say ebay.

westcost1 - 26/10/07 at 08:42 AM

my mate got one pre owned from game think it was a £10 cheaper

wyatt - 26/10/07 at 09:05 AM

I know these have them

UncleFista - 26/10/07 at 09:19 AM

CEX the computer chain are buying 2nd-hand wiis for £180 and selling them for £250.

I reckon there'll be no bargains for a while...

thunderace - 26/10/07 at 10:09 AM

the only way is to to give game your email adress they email you when it comes into your local store tuesday b4 12 noon is the beat day to go .

i think the wii is great !

joneh - 26/10/07 at 06:23 PM

Reason behind the shortage is that they are going to change the bundle ready for a xmas launch. It'll probably just have a different game in it.

Jasper - 3/11/07 at 11:36 AM

I got a new one from Ebay 3 weeks ago as there none around anywhere - paid £250, now they are in Game for £200 including a game

Now waiting for the new chips to come in to get it modded.... I hate paying stupid money for computer games .......

[Edited on 3/11/07 by Jasper]

tweek - 3/11/07 at 05:17 PM

the only change in the "new" bundle is the inclusion of a jacket for the remote to stop people injuring themselves -

ninendo said months ago that they were going to have shortages, they just can't pump the things out quick enough!

Best of luck with your search mate!

[Edited on 3/11/07 by tweek]

cobnut - 6/11/07 at 11:16 AM

If anyone is still looking for the nintendo Wii follow this link. still had 19 instock yesterday.