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AVG 8.0
clairetoo - 30/7/08 at 10:00 PM

I recently installed this as AVG 7 has finished , and ever since my computer has been unbelievably slow ( I have time to go into the kitchen and put the kettle on while Firefox opens....)
I spotted this post on another forum I visit -


A word of warning about AVG 8.0 if you're upgrading to the full version.
This latest version has a utility called link-scanner, what this does is scan the links to all websites that have links on the page you are currently looking at. The consequences of this can be quite alarming once you look into it. Your IP address will be linked to every site that a link for appears on a page you are only browsing. This is a huge drag on your resourses, also of course, you are never more than a click or two away from something dodgy on the net, this utility can link your IP to these dodgy sites without you even visiting them.
Imagine doing a google search, every page you hit will get your IP!!!

So I opened AVG and disabled link-scanner . The transformation is amazing
I`m just wondering if any one else has come across this problem , and weather it is likely to cause me any virus type problems ?

omega 24 v6 - 30/7/08 at 10:14 PM

mines is slow too Unbelievably so. Since I downloaded avg 8. I also need to sorty out my registry as according to regcube it's a mess but being tight i need to find a free prog to do this any ideas??
How about an in depth guide to what you did mate ??

Hellfire - 30/7/08 at 10:39 PM

As a user of AVG 7 and advised updates were stopping. I downloaded and installed AVG 8 - it to slowed down my PC to the point it was unusable.

I uninstalled AVG 8 and now use Avira - also free and much better on resources.


speedyxjs - 31/7/08 at 06:06 AM

This is quite interensting although my AVG has made no difference to the speed of my pc.

Surrey Dave - 31/7/08 at 09:02 AM

Also AVG 8.0 link scanner causes firefox to crash (often!!!)as it is incompatible, disabled and everything fine.

BenB - 31/7/08 at 10:13 AM

Just wish you could disable the link scanner without the AVG red ! appearing in the taskbar.

David Jenkins - 31/7/08 at 11:20 AM

I got fed up with AVG some time ago - I now use Avast! on my one remaining Windoze box.

Mr G - 31/7/08 at 04:00 PM

Originally posted by BenB
Just wish you could disable the link scanner without the AVG red ! appearing in the taskbar.

You can

Double click on the avg logo in the taskbar to bring up the avg overview window then right click on 'Link Scanner' and tick 'Ignore component state'

No more red!


clairetoo - 31/7/08 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Mr G
Originally posted by BenB
Just wish you could disable the link scanner without the AVG red ! appearing in the taskbar.

You can

Double click on the avg logo in the taskbar to bring up the avg overview window then right click on 'Link Scanner' and tick 'Ignore component state'

No more red!


Thanks for that ! !¬

cobra427 - 4/8/08 at 08:26 PM

Ive had probs with AVG 8 on one of my boxes here at home - link scanner worked ok with FF - but the virus scan would crash about 10 mins in to the scan - often.. and report a corrupt file.

they seem to have send me an update a few days ago and everything is hunky dory now..

RoadkillUK - 4/8/08 at 08:59 PM

Cheers Mr G, that bloody ! has been annoying me for a couple of weeks