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Aargh! Thunderbugs!
David Jenkins - 2/7/09 at 08:52 PM

At the moment these thunderbugs, thrips, or whatever you choose to call them are driving me nuts. Apart from crawling around on me and making me itch (and you have to look hard to see what's causing the itch) they've managed to get into my monitor, between the LCD and the backlight!

As I type this I can see a number of the little beggars wriggling around... and they don't live long, so there's a fair chance that I'll end up with a few of the little so-and-sos as a permanent fixture...

LBMEFM - 3/7/09 at 06:35 AM

You want to try gloss painting with them around

Mr Whippy - 3/7/09 at 07:08 AM

me and missy were just back from down near london and she went out with a yellow top on. Very bad idea, totally covered with thunderbugs in seconds. They seem to really like yellow

iank - 3/7/09 at 07:27 AM

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

coozer - 3/7/09 at 07:36 AM

Excuse me, but what are Thunderbugs? Thrips?

David Jenkins - 3/7/09 at 07:53 AM

Originally posted by coozer
Excuse me, but what are Thunderbugs? Thrips?

Look at the picture above, then reduce the scale a bit - they're about 2mm long, hard to see, and normally live in flowers etc.

When the weather's hot and humid, like it is just before a thunderstorm - hence the name - they leave the flowers and get into EVERYTHING ELSE.

I have pictures on the wall that are properly framed and taped at the back - and the little sods have still crawled in there and died.