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Ghost photo
Jasper - 27/7/09 at 12:55 PM

Following on from the thread in the Locost section, I thought I'd post this here in the right place

Now, before I go on, I have to say I'm still very sceptical about this, and not a believer in ghosts or other supernatural mumbo-jumbo.

This photo was shown to me my an old mate this weekend. It was taken by his sister's best mate very recently. I asked him if I could post it on the internet, he said yes, but only if I made the faces anonymous.

The small girl, their daughter, on the bottom right of the picture is crying. She had been complaining for some time about a small girl being horrible to her at home - she is an only child. I think they have only lived in the house for a short time.

Since this picture was taken they have found out that a small girl died in the house about 20 years early.

Look closely at the bottom of the picture between the adults legs.

Now I've no reason to suspect my mate is pulling my leg, when he told me he seemed pretty serious.

Still don't know how I feel about it, but it does creep me out. Rescued attachment Ghost2.jpg
Rescued attachment Ghost2.jpg

cd.thomson - 27/7/09 at 01:07 PM

As mentioned in the other thread, we are evolved to see patterns (i.e. the interplay of light similar to those of a face) preferentially to just seeing a jumble of light and dark patches.

This makes it remarkably easy to spot people (or predators) in the dark/shadows. In the modern world this doesnt really apply any more, accept when you see the top of a tomato as a spider or faces/animals in cloud formations.

It also means you can see the interplay of light between blinds as a face. Interestingly I showed this picture to a mate and he didnt notice anything at all odd after looking for 5 minutes until I mentioned the face, then suddenly he could see it - shows how the power of suggestion has an effect! I planted the seed and his mind grew it into a full on tree!

Liam - 27/7/09 at 01:13 PM

What's even more creepy is what you've done to all those heads. Eeeewwwww

DarrenW - 27/7/09 at 01:32 PM

Do you know anyone in the pic Jasper? Only asking as im 90% certain ive been sent that pic before (or something along the same lines).

Jasper - 27/7/09 at 01:37 PM

Nope I don't, that's why I'm suspicious too .... he didn't want me to post it up without blurring out the people though, I'll have another word with him to make sure .....

And I know what you mean about seeing faces where they should be, but this seems a little too definite for that ... and there's a story dehind it.

jammers27 - 27/7/09 at 02:00 PM

i have had this pic from a frined of mine about 9 months ago told me that his mate took it of some friends before they went out. so i went around showing people and telling them about it.

i then had the same pic on an email about 3 months back. so obviously the story about our friends taking this picture is nonsence howeve i would be intrigued to know if the pic is genuine as it does freak me out.

cd.thomson - 27/7/09 at 02:01 PM

Originally posted by jammers27
i have had this pic from a frined of mine about 9 months ago told me that his mate took it of some friends before they went out. so i went around showing people and telling them about it.

i then had the same pic on an email about 3 months back. so obviously the story about our friends taking this picture is nonsence howeve i would be intrigued to know if the pic is genuine as it does freak me out.

I vote a photoshopped internet meme

Jasper - 27/7/09 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by jammers27
i have had this pic from a frined of mine about 9 months ago told me that his mate took it of some friends before they went out. so i went around showing people and telling them about it.

i then had the same pic on an email about 3 months back. so obviously the story about our friends taking this picture is nonsence howeve i would be intrigued to know if the pic is genuine as it does freak me out.

Ahhhh - that's good to know, didn't seem right to me, as I don't even believe in ghosts!!

I'll be asking him some more questions about it then

Gazeddy - 27/7/09 at 03:37 PM

i had that on my phone for ages i was told a similar story to the one you told as well sisters mate

Jasper - 27/7/09 at 03:50 PM

Just spoken to my mate - he seems to think it's genuine, looks like he's been conned as well then

JoelP - 27/7/09 at 04:58 PM

i looked for a long time and saw no face until i read the comments.

RoadkillUK - 27/7/09 at 05:42 PM

It's crap imo, do a search in google images for 'ghost girl legs' and it will throw up the same photo at least 3 times in the first 2 pages.

Mr Whippy - 28/7/09 at 09:18 AM

As above though, humans seem very good at spotting faces or things that look like them in shadows or just everyday shapes. I mind as a kid we had flower curtains with a random swirling pattern which when I looked at it could see hundreds of peoples faces. Purely coincidence and I’m sure the designer did not do it that way.

I also notice that my dogs cannot spot me sometimes when I’m in the woods and standing still unless I actually move. They appear not to be as good as us at making sense of confusing patterns and just spot the movement. Perhaps we evolved this ability to avoid being eaten by animals hiding in grass or woodland.

PaulBuz - 28/7/09 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
i looked for a long time and saw no face until i read the comments.


Staple balls - 28/7/09 at 05:30 PM

Took me a while to spot the face, however, that's not matrixing, it's photoshop, looks like the child was desaturated a bit then went over with the paintbrush set to clear.

It's pretty trivial to do, and with stuff like that one, you're not looking at the feet, or expecting something so clear looking back, so it works pretty well.