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who is still at work!!
will121 - 24/12/09 at 02:59 PM

how many still hard at work?? does everyone sit on the forum while at work as assume most gone home as its a bit quieter than normal

eznfrank - 24/12/09 at 03:04 PM

I'm still at work and not very happy, because....

1) We had about 3 inch of snow overnight and my yard's not the easiest to get out of so rang the boss and he said don;t bother comign in.
2) The missus has to come in so said I would go get bus with her.
3) Buses not running so came back and had a crack at getting car out - no sweat, got her to work and decided to come in myself (work for same company so no excuse)
4) Boss rings up and says go home at 1
5) Ring missus, she has to work until 4 and can't get bus home.
6) Could go home but would have to come straight back so twiddling my thumbs - not amused

The thing is if I'd told her the car was stuck we wouldn't have been able to get here so it's my own fault really.

GeorgeM - 24/12/09 at 03:20 PM

still here...... think i'll close the shop soon though

Happy Christmas everyone !

dave r - 24/12/09 at 04:01 PM

i am working (well on standby and prob will get called) till 8 am on the 25th

mistergrumpy - 24/12/09 at 05:17 PM

I'm off to work at 9. On until 7 a.m. I hope people can control themselves for once and not start beating 10 bells out of each other!

davidinhull - 24/12/09 at 05:25 PM

I'm working til 6pm
bit quiet though - seems no-one is ill on Xmas eve

Ninehigh - 24/12/09 at 09:14 PM

"Working" now.

I'm the only one here, so I'll be getting the Playstation on soon