So, I get attacked, punched, by a drugged loony with a 6" kitchen knife and he gets off with a suspended sentence...
Time to bleep off out of this country, its going down the drain.
it is ridiculous indeed. Chap today got his sentance for rape reduced to 3 years. Can you imagine how the victim must feel? It was a violent stranger rape, carried out because the scum wanted to learn english in jail. Deffo should be hung.
So, I get attacked, punched, by a drugged loony with a 6" kitchen knife and he gets off with a suspended sentence
Sorry to hear it mate, the law is an arse.
A mate of mine (he's 5 foot 4) got attacked by a guy over 6 foot in Brighton before Christmas, he was spun round and dragged to the floor. He got
up and whacked the guy in self defence. Now this other guy is known to the Police and has been done before for drunkeness and assault. It was witness
by a policeman and my mate is now being prosecuted for assault, even though he has two independant witnesses who say he was attacked first. My mate
has never been done for anything like this before.
Originally posted by coozer
So, I get attacked, punched, by a drugged loony with a 6" kitchen knife and he gets off with a suspended sentence...
Originally posted by coozer
So, I get attacked, punched, by a drugged loony with a 6" kitchen knife and he gets off with a suspended sentence...
Time to bleep off out of this country, its going down the drain.
Was speaking with a guy recently, his dad (retired) lives somewhere in the USA, I cannot recall.
Tale goes, old boy is in bed and hears noises through hos bedroom wall from his living room.
Goes to his drawer and gets his 9mm out and takes a peek into his living room, sees a guy rummaging through his stuff in the living room, compete with
gun in hand.
Old boy absolutely terrified retreats back into the bedroom and empties his 9mm through the partition wall. So terrified at whats happened he doesnt
even look in his living room.
Police arrive swiftly (just like the UK then !) and confirm the guy is dead, they arrange the body be removed.
Next morning the Police cleaners arrive to tidy up the gravy left by the deceased, made such a good job of the tidy, only way you would notice was the
fifteen holes in the wall !
No charge sheet, and a reasonable amount of aftercare by the cop who felt sorry for the old guy...
Turn that incident on its head and make it the UK.
You would go to jail, age 78 and terrified by an armed man rifling through your property.
The UK sucks, we are run by bearded ladies, soft lilly livered muesli eating , hairy toed sandal wearing assholes.
Dont get me started
We have lost it here in the UK
I need to go live in Spain