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Beware when Paper shredding .!!!!NSFW
CRAIGR - 20/7/10 at 03:41 PM


Not anyone i know i hasten to add.

[Edited on 20/7/10 by CRAIGR]

[Edited on 20/7/10 by CRAIGR]

[Edited on 20/7/10 by CRAIGR]

[Edited on 20/7/10 by CRAIGR]

eznfrank - 20/7/10 at 03:43 PM

You might want to add a NSFW to the title and maybe a squeamish warning!!!

And what the hell sort of shredder did that?? I think someone previously posted pics of a dog that stuck it's tongue in a shredder!!

scootz - 20/7/10 at 03:47 PM

That's must have been a helluva big shredder! Looks like he has little sharks attached to his hand!

Stuart_B - 20/7/10 at 04:04 PM

ouch, that has got to hurt

iank - 20/7/10 at 04:11 PM

Gonna sting in the morning.
How would they even start to stitch that back up? Superglue?

scootz - 20/7/10 at 04:14 PM

Probably less than you think! There's so much damage going on there to all that sensitive fleshy stuff that the pain doodahs have probably shut themselves down and the adrenaline is flowing in 'dealer' quantities!

I've seen lots of nasty injuries over the years and the worse they were, the less the casualty complained of pain. Particularly the un-concious ones

Then you get someone with a single paper-cut in the same area and they scream the house down!

Granted, it'll be a b*gger in the weeks ahead as things start to heal...

Maybe our resident medical expert can explain this phenomenon (or at least confirm that I'm talking b*ll*cks)... calling BenB!

MikeR - 20/7/10 at 05:18 PM

before ben gets here - i've been told your body can only feel pain from one place at once. if you're feeling pain from lots of places you're actually feeling pain from point 1, 2, 3, 4 in sequence very quickly.

If you can make somewhere hurt more than the others, you won't really notice the others.

I'd guess its a survival thing - worry about the biggest injury first.

dave r - 20/7/10 at 05:38 PM

surely the cuts are going the wrong way ?

Ninehigh - 20/7/10 at 07:05 PM

I watched a thing last week about the brain purposely blocks the pain signals so you can do something about the injury instead of rolling round on the floor screaming.

clairetoo - 20/7/10 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by dave r
surely the cuts are going the wrong way ?

I was thinking the same ?

Ninehigh - 21/7/10 at 08:31 AM

Originally posted by clairetoo
Originally posted by dave r
surely the cuts are going the wrong way ?

I was thinking the same ?

Yeah doesn't the direction of those cuts mean that this person put their hand in sideways? Which then means it'd have to be done several times?

Come to think of it surely we'd be seeing bone in that first finger they look really deep..

Liam - 23/7/10 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
before ben gets here - i've been told your body can only feel pain from one place at once. if you're feeling pain from lots of places you're actually feeling pain from point 1, 2, 3, 4 in sequence very quickly.

Lol. So we can only feel pain in one place at one time - yay! But never mind - our body is brilliant at multiplexing the pain signal so that it feels like we can feel lots of pain all at once. How encouraging

[Edited on 23/7/10 by Liam]

bob tatt - 23/7/10 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by scootz
Probably less than you think! There's so much damage going on there to all that sensitive fleshy stuff that the pain doodahs have probably shut themselves down and the adrenaline is flowing in 'dealer' quantities!

I've seen lots of nasty injuries over the years and the worse they were, the less the casualty complained of pain. Particularly the un-concious ones

Then you get someone with a single paper-cut in the same area and they scream the house down!

Granted, it'll be a b*gger in the weeks ahead as things start to heal...

Maybe our resident medical expert can explain this phenomenon (or at least confirm that I'm talking b*ll*cks)... calling BenB!

i concure about 8 years ago i had an accident at work. me and a circular saw had a fight and i lost, the upshot was a gash in my leg about 10inch long across the top of my thigh severed muscle and nerves. The amazing thing was there was no blood at all that was partly down to all the important things like arteries running behind your knee and the blade been hot and it cortarised everything. i can honestly say i felt no pain at all for a good couple of hours then the adrenalin must have worn off and i puked all over my boss whod come to check on me and make sure i wasnt going to sue his arse. 95 stiches and 3 hour op later all back together. Ended up sat at home for 5 weeks bored silly, a lot of physio later and the leg is now stronger than the other one. The lasting damage i have is to my nerves which means i have a dead spot on my thigh where i cant feel anything at all so got off bloody lightly i think.
Went back to work after 2 months off and then a week later someone crashed in to me and wrote the van off.

coozer - 23/7/10 at 09:52 AM

Wheres all the clarit?

Shirley them cuts, that deep would result in some seriuos blood loss?