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Uncontrollable Giggles
MakeEverything - 8/1/11 at 04:13 PM

..... is what i get from this. Dangerous, but really funny.

ReMan - 8/1/11 at 05:08 PM

I might be dim but what is is at firework?

MakeEverything - 8/1/11 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
I might be dim but what is is at firework?

Looks like a mini rocket or screamer of some sort.

Ninehigh - 8/1/11 at 07:38 PM

Why did the shower not put it out?

Macbeast - 8/1/11 at 07:47 PM

Once a firework starts up it gets its oxygen from the gunpowder mixture. We used to drop bangers into a stream and they went off - with a thump, not a bang.

r1bob - 15/1/11 at 11:26 PM

just hope he did'nt get soap in his eye's!! or even a rocket up his arse !!!

RazMan - 15/1/11 at 11:33 PM

Brings back memories of sticking bangers down the school toilets when I were a lad - if we timed it right they exploded as they were passing the girls toilets next door