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What number are you
ken555 - 27/10/11 at 10:49 AM

What number are you

I'm the 3,363,869,574 person born of the current almost 7 Billion population.

mookaloid - 27/10/11 at 10:54 AM

3,114,483,187th which makes me a bit older than you

MikeCapon - 27/10/11 at 11:04 AM

2,872,124,114th which makes me a right old gimmer.

mookaloid - 27/10/11 at 11:05 AM

Just looked further down the page - it seems that the worlds population has TRIPLED in my lifetime - that's a bit scary

Proby - 27/10/11 at 11:12 AM


Scary climb in the population since the 1950's looking at the graph.

scootz - 27/10/11 at 12:14 PM

And to think we regularly hear of the need to cull badgers, seagulls, deer, etc...

MikeRJ - 27/10/11 at 12:26 PM

I am not a number, I am a free man!

Dear god those numbers are frightening A strong case for much stricter birth control.

[Edited on 27/10/11 by MikeRJ]

Badger_McLetcher - 27/10/11 at 12:27 PM

Tbh population growth is probably one of the biggest problem facing both this country and the world. But no one likes to talk about it, because to do so is political suicide! Of course if we curbed immigration the growth of this countries population would reduce quite significantly, and then reach a point where it levels off and starts decreasing (like Germany).

4,771,632,544th BTW

sprouts-car - 27/10/11 at 12:30 PM

I'm 5,134,318,255th

Youngest so far and the first over 5bil

Confused but excited. - 27/10/11 at 12:56 PM

I am the 2,484,568,096th, a right old git.
In fact the oldest so far.

jacko - 27/10/11 at 01:27 PM

I am a number - I am a number - I am a number

MikeRJ - 27/10/11 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Just looked further down the page - it seems that the worlds population has TRIPLED in my lifetime - that's a bit scary

That would make your birthday some time in the 1940's. Note that the chart is predicting numbers out to 2050.

JoelP - 27/10/11 at 01:32 PM

that figure is how many people were alive when you were born, not how many are alive now and older than you.

I think that the most alarming 'fact' is that about one tenth of the people who have ever lived, are alive now!

I off to top myself.

Ninehigh - 27/10/11 at 04:22 PM


mookaloid - 27/10/11 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by mookaloid
Just looked further down the page - it seems that the worlds population has TRIPLED in my lifetime - that's a bit scary

That would make your birthday some time in the 1940's. Note that the chart is predicting numbers out to 2050.

apologies I got a bit carried away there - I'll stand in the corner with dunce hat on for the rest of the lesson

Macbeast - 28/10/11 at 07:55 AM

2 351 323 621
Population trebled since I was born. About time we had a decent war or plague.

People say age is just a number. That's true - the older I get, the number I feel.

[Edited on 28/10/11 by Macbeast]

foskid - 28/10/11 at 08:06 AM

2,663,080,298 and feeling it

steve m - 28/10/11 at 08:14 AM

person alive on Earth

sprouts-car - 28/10/11 at 08:51 AM

Wow you're all old

Still the only one over 5billion!!

bobinspain - 28/10/11 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by MikeCapon
2,872,124,114th which makes me a right old gimmer.

Sad to say Mike I was born whan the "data was less accurate" according to the notes on methodology. pre 1950).

Peteff - 28/10/11 at 08:05 PM

Another old sod here, 2,622,484,965

jollygreengiant - 28/10/11 at 09:25 PM

2,984,728,838th person alive on Earth

76,588,630,932nd person to have lived since history began

My Grandson - 6,970,883,601st person alive on Earth
83,168,606,638th person to have lived since history began

[Edited on 28/10/11 by jollygreengiant]