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Kim Jong
mad-butcher - 19/12/11 at 10:55 AM

Kim Jong is dead
Looks like his Korea is over

blakep82 - 19/12/11 at 11:04 AM

turns out he really was ill, i thought kim jong il was his name, not a description...
oh well...

scootz - 19/12/11 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by mad-butcher
Kim Jong is dead
Looks like his Korea is over

I see what you did there!

scootz - 19/12/11 at 11:12 AM

Amusing, but NSFW or Kids Kim Jong Il Clip From Team America!

mrwibble - 19/12/11 at 01:06 PM

hes prolly been in freezer for a couple of weeks, while the autocrats planned who gets what.

scootz - 19/12/11 at 01:10 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
hes prolly been in freezer for a couple of weeks, while the autocrats planned who gets what.

Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest!

wilkingj - 19/12/11 at 01:44 PM

Yes.... He has gone.

However, he is being replaced by his Son... and he has probably been trained to be just as crazy..

And so it goes on.

I dont know why people just cant learn to live together.
'Spose its all to do with Power and Money. (Basically its just Greed)

Lets just hope that his son is a little saner and does some good for their people.

mrwibble - 19/12/11 at 01:57 PM

there is an interesting few articles on the bbc website, where there is some evidence that the Chinese were prodding the N Koreans communist party to take control of the military (rather than the other way round), and slowly open up the economy to market forces. Much in the way that China did in the 70s and 80s. Some speculation as to why the third son was chosen as successor, who has experience in a market economy (educated in switzerland), would be chosen over his 2 elder siblings.

The weird thing is the apparent devotion through which these leaders are held, when they have essentially presided over mass economic catastrophe and starvation.

bobinspain - 19/12/11 at 02:20 PM


The N Koreans are cowed by the military, who tend to get 'first dibs' and even then are 4" shorter on average than their S. Korean counterparts. They are starved and deprived, but not so the Party members and officials.
The country (or more properly, its populace) have been going to 'hell in a handcart' since Kim il Sung came to power in 1948. The Party declared him the "Eternal Leader" and he is still classed as such, even though he's been dead since 1994.
Kim Jong-il is the "Dear Leader" and N Korean's will undergo three years of mourning to commemorate his death. I say " is" becuase he remains so even in death. It's a kind of 'Necrocacy.' Quite unique and it makes the former Albania look like Butlins.
George Orwell's 1984 is a good metaphor for N. Korea.
Today's D. Telegraph online has a comprehensive obituary Jong-il. It's as enlightening as it is tragic and reprehensible.
Alternatively, Google Christopher Hitchen's view of N. Korea. His 10 minute excoriation of the regime tells you all you need to know. Searingly damning. 20-30 million people 'on the scrap heap.'

[Edited on 19/12/11 by bobinspain]