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Puzzled - 14/5/12 at 07:03 PM

That, when ,in the upcoming Euro Championships,that people realize, that when the" English"fans make a disgrace of themselves-------, Y"know the kind, Baldy, Big fat Bellies, Tattoos, Screaming Obsenities and fighting .---- That the world wont judge them as TYPICAL British People. Unlike some of the Plonkers on this Site that have commented on the current Greek crisis, and have insulted the people of Greece. You know who you are , and should be ashamed of yourselves.

Confused but excited. - 14/5/12 at 07:24 PM

Ireland ain't too well off financially either is it?

Hellfire - 14/5/12 at 07:30 PM

Are you Greek by any chance, or have Greek relatives? I've just re-read the thread in question and only one person has insulted the people of Greece and he apparently lived and attempted to work alongside them.

Don't take it so personally.......


theconrodkid - 14/5/12 at 07:39 PM

i hope that wasnt aimed at me ?
anyhow,several countries were invited to join the "club" and given huge sacks of cash as an incentive.
did these countried not think they would have to pay the money back with interest?.
i have some knowledge of the situation in Poland,the difference with the poles is that they are grafters and will make a go of it,not buy a new telly/pair of trainers and sit back sipping the vino.
the greeks were content to sit and drink the vino and when Herman came knocking for his money....the rest is history.

MakeEverything - 14/5/12 at 07:52 PM

Bloody hell, what is it with all the generalisation on here today!??

foskid - 14/5/12 at 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Puzzled
That, when ,in the upcoming Euro Championships,that people realize, that when the" English"fans make a disgrace of themselves-------, Y"know the kind, Baldy, Big fat Bellies, Tattoos, Screaming Obsenities and fighting .---- That the world wont judge them as TYPICAL British People. Unlike some of the Plonkers on this Site that have commented on the current Greek crisis, and have insulted the people of Greece. You know who you are , and should be ashamed of yourselves.

No they won't, just as we don't think that all paddies are bigots and terrorists. Those sort of morons could be from any nation involved and pound to penny they wont be football fans.

keith777 - 14/5/12 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Bloody hell, what is it with all the generalisation on here today!??

Its this bloody weather, when we should all be out
in our cars, we're stood at the window watchin the hailstones
bouncin 3 ft in the air !
cheers Keith

snapper - 14/5/12 at 08:12 PM

It won't be the first time the Greeks have defaulted on a loan
I believe 400 BC was the first large default!!!!!!

In my opinion it is the greed of capitalism.
All the countries of the world are in debt and the USA and GB arnt exactly in a good position
But if you over lend to vulnerable economies surely you should take a good deal of the blame

balidey - 14/5/12 at 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Puzzled
Unlike some of the Plonkers on this Site

So, by your generalising the 'plonkers' on this site also includes you. You can't call us all plonkers and not include yourself because you are also on this site.
You can't call some people plonkers and not others, because thats racist... or plonkerist.

Seriously, this is a forum, no need to take a post to heart and then create a post about another post. Otherwise some other plonker could make a post about this post... and then talk of kit cars could dry up.

serendipity123 - 14/5/12 at 09:20 PM

i'm more worried hes going to tarmac my driveway........

Daddylonglegs - 14/5/12 at 09:38 PM

I think all this financial mayhem has got everyone so miffed that anything is game! That and as already said, the crappy weather

I'm sure it will P down tomorrow just because I've got to take the car for it's DVLA inspection to get my VIN! Hey ho!

Hopefully everyone will kiss and make up soon?

A1 - 14/5/12 at 09:55 PM

yea, is this not kinda REALLY off topic...the hints in the site name...

having said that, greece should be kissing Merkels' toes, not complaining about austerity while trashing their country...Ive heard plenty stories about the way greeks 'work' that dont differ from what I believe started this.

[Edited on 14/5/12 by A1]