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female to male dictionary
DorsetStrider - 19/1/05 at 07:23 PM

what they say..........what they mean....... result

Yes...........yes......... no problems here
No..........could mean no, could mean yes or could mean try harder..... try not to get this one wrong if you do at best you can expect extreme embarrassment, at worst 20 years to life.
Buy me a drink?..... I'm to tight to buy my own...... you'll end up poorer after a night in this girls company.
I want you...... I want something very expensive and it looks like sex is the only way to get it........ just give her your credit card now
I love you..... we've been dating 2 weeks and I'm secretly shagging your best mate/brother/father....... run run like the wind!
Do you love me?'d better say yes or I'll tell all your friends how you like me to say "baa" during sex...... change your name and move to china.
hmmmm isn't that diamond necklace nice?....... it's my birthday in two weeks and if I don't get that necklace I'll make you wish your parents were never born!...... declare yourself bankrupt now and avoid the middleman.
I'm pregnant....... I'm 28 years old, things are getting saggy and this is my best chance of getting you to marry me..... 50+ years of wishing you had worked with radiation.
I do....... intend to take you for everything your worth before making you wish you were dead)...... possibly too late to run at this point, how the hell did you let this happen you stupid git!
I want a divorce.... you have nothing left that's worth anything and for the last 6 years I've been shagging Liam Gallagher..... consider yourself lucky you are about to escape.