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Making bonnet bulge mould
RK - 5/6/09 at 12:41 PM

I have heard descriptions how to do this, but I cannot visualise how to actually make the mould. "Make a mould, paint and polish it and lay your fibreglass in" doesn't really explain it for me. Are their pictures somewhere of the process

My bonnet will have a great hole in it of irregular shape, so it needs to be covered. Raising the nosecone etc is not an option.

Help! Thank you as usual.

blakep82 - 5/6/09 at 04:01 PM

its worth a search on youtube. plenty on there about making fibreglass (and carbon fibre)
exactly which videos would be useful for you depends on what you have to start with i guess.

this one

is pretty good i think, but assumes you already have an item you want to repoduce.. there's 3 parts to it.

i've not done any proper fibreglassing myself, so don't know, but since no one else commented, its better than nowt

there's 8 parts to this one, seems a bit more in depth

[Edited on 5/6/09 by blakep82]

RK - 5/6/09 at 10:29 PM

I think I want to know how to make a buck, when there is no example nearby to copy. Bit of a vocabulary problem!

Fred W B - 6/6/09 at 04:15 AM

The detail in my thread


should give you an idea about making a buck/pattern. You just want a much smaller version.


Fred W B