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Aeroscreen or full screen
omega 24 v6 - 29/6/09 at 10:24 AM

Ok I'm at the stage where I want to be able to go for a cruise with just the foster grants on.
I really like the look of the double bubble aeroscreen on ebay ( anyone know if it'll fit a 442??)

Will it work or will I still need a helmet for the wind??
Or should I just go for the full screen
LOL I should have made this a poll.

Guinness - 29/6/09 at 10:31 AM

I have the MK aeroscreen, and TBH it's nay use at all!!

I've heard the Ebay one is much better, but as to whether it would fit a +442 I don't know?

Finally, if you go for a windscreen, side screens or doors are a definate requirement. Jambojeef took me for a spin in his when he'd fitted a screen but hadn't made the doors. The wind coming round the side of the screen was awful.


Charlie_Zetec - 29/6/09 at 10:32 AM

I've got a GTS W7DE (no jokes/comments, please!) and the one from eBay, despite being advertised to fit a 44" wide body, came nowhere near. Now if my memory serves me correctly, the W7DE is based upon McSorely +442 plans, so I'd say no, it won't fit.

I had to fight to return it as a misadvertised item, and it took 2 months of e-mails, but got there eventually.

I've been cnstantly hunting around, but found nothing else in terms of aeroscreens that fits my bodywork. Some people suggested making one up, but I'm not sure if I want to try it, as it won't look pretty!

I've got a bike helmet for longer journeys, but really want an aeroscreen on the scuttle for shorter blats. Think I'm gonna end up buying the Caterham single sided screen, just for the drivers side. I can't post a link, as the network Nazis here at work won't let me access the site, but have a look around the online shop @ and search for aeroscreen.

In the meantime though, if you do find a supplier, please let me know as I'm keen to get something sorted!

coozer - 29/6/09 at 10:33 AM

You really need doors if you fit a windscreen.

My striker was awful with the wind buffering round the back of my head.

Aeroscreen is much better IMO

BenB - 29/6/09 at 10:35 AM

I fitted little wind deflectors to my windscreened car, much better.

omega0684 - 29/6/09 at 10:36 AM

i have the carbon mods aeroscreen and it works well up to abbout 40mph, anything above that and its useless.

bbwales - 29/6/09 at 10:41 AM

I have the MAC#1 aeroscreen, and it deflects the wind to hit the top of my head, it makes it very comfortable driving. I do however wear a full face helmet when going through the lanes and main roads, having been hit in the middle of the forehead by a bee it hurts really hurts, lesson learned, I don't wear a helmet when in town though.


Triton - 29/6/09 at 12:12 PM

The wee beastie I make for the Westy and Roadster works a treat...two lads in Devon use them on their sprint/hill climb cars and well happy with them.

3" high but with a wee kick to throw windy bit up n over yer noggin....

Slater - 29/6/09 at 12:52 PM

I use the MAC#1 fly screen, the top is about eye height. It works fine. I wear a helmet on the main road (A96) and wiley x goggles on the back roads.

whitestu - 29/6/09 at 01:58 PM

Depends how tall you are. My MAC1 screen didn't make any noticeable difference for me.

I've not got a full screen, but haven't driven with it yet.

I will be fitting some side screens though.

pewe - 29/6/09 at 02:02 PM

Third vote for the Mac#1 screen.
Adapted mine for the F27 by trimming the bottom edge with the Dremel.
Made a 250mm angle plate rivetted to the scuttle and then small bolts through the screen around mid-point.
Outer angled edges supported by small brackets onto the vertical sides of the scuttle.
So far OK into three figures.
Wear helmet for blasts but cap and goggles OK for shorter runs.
Cheers, Pewe

bimbleuk - 29/6/09 at 03:04 PM

If you want to feel the wind in your hair and take passengers without the hassle of giving them a helmet then fit a screen. Same if you drive longer distances and want to occasionally chat or just enjoy the environment.

Otherwise if you mostly drive alone, on track or just go for short blats. then a flyscreen will be sufficient but always wear a helmet just in case! Even if its a open face but with a decent visor.

I have a flyscreen and half doors on the side which helps a lot with wind buffeting. I don't take passengers out in it much though and have the car setup accordingly for track use.

omega 24 v6 - 29/6/09 at 10:12 PM

Mmmmph. looks like I'd be just as well sticking to my helmet

LOL so to speak

pewe - 30/6/09 at 09:55 AM

Difference between helmet only and fly-screen was quite marked.
Fly-screen, of the Mac#1 variety, makes for a much nicer drive as it takes the wind pressure off your head and upper body partic. at high speed.
That's why a lot of sports bikes use 'em.

Cheers, Pewe

David Jenkins - 30/6/09 at 11:30 AM

Late input to this thread: my car's been on the road for about 5 years, with a pair of 'Brooklands' flyscreens. These are really good for pushing the breeze up and over my head, as can be seen from the squashed bugs that get caught on the top of the rollbar (none to be seen lower down). However, I have always felt the need to wear a helmet, and more than a few thwacks on my visor (stones, bees, etc) have justified this.

Now I feel that having to wear a helmet all the time is a PITA, especially when the weather is as hot and sticky as it has been over the past few days. Just taking a friend out for a drive, or my wife and I going to the pub, makes a windscreen very desirable. I have found that the helmet does restrict my vision a bit too, especially when pulling out from a slip road - with a 4-point harness on, it's hard to turn round enough to get a clear view through the helmet's 'window'.

A screen does increase wind resistance, but I rarely drive very fast (i.e. more than 70-ish). You can also get buffeting as the air curls round the screen, but there are ways around that.

My next project is to fit a full screen - I'm busy collecting the bits.

wilkingj - 30/6/09 at 01:18 PM

No Screen = Wear a Full Face Helmet

You only have one set of eyes.

Even small bugs HURT, and even more so the faster you go.

A small stone in the face HURTS, or a larger one could cut and disfigure (read scar) you.

Whilst its all fun and good posing value to drive unprotected. You dont want to regret it later.

You know it makes sense!