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Heated screen wiring
Humbug - 3/10/09 at 05:38 PM

OK, just bought a heated screen and put it on the car. I am wondering whether to connect the heater bit, but not sure what actually is needed. I have a spare switch on the dash which is currently connected to the engine fan *just in case* but I've never needed to use it. Do I need a relay for a heated screen and, if so, how would I wire the thing into the loom?

Any help gratefully received.


BenB - 3/10/09 at 05:45 PM

First thing it to probably connect it up across 12v and see what current it pulls with a multimeter. That'll fundamentally specify whether you can use a loom connection or a seperate relayed supply. If you haven't got a multimeter try connecting it via various ampage fuses (ie 1A, 3A, 5A). That'll tell you approx what ampage is being pulled by which ampages blow!!)...

Ben_Copeland - 3/10/09 at 06:05 PM

Another point to consider is a timer circuit.... so it doesnt stay on for too long.

My mondeo has timer circuits on both screens.

I'd recon you'll need 25amp circuit which means a relay !

britishtrident - 3/10/09 at 06:21 PM

Tintop HRW are always wired through a relay

Humbug - 3/10/09 at 06:31 PM

OK... so it looks like a relay is needed. How to I actually wire it in (in simple terms): wire from a fuse to the relay to the screen? wire from the other side of the relay to the switch? + earths?

madrallysport - 3/10/09 at 06:42 PM

Basic relay wiring diagram

Mark Allanson - 3/10/09 at 06:48 PM

When I stripped my sierra ghia donor, the wires to the heated front screen were the thickest I have ever seen on an automotive circuit that did not involve a starter motor!

BIG relay required

Humbug - 3/10/09 at 07:50 PM

Thanks peeps

Humbug - 9/10/09 at 09:43 AM

Just called Caterham to say I had got a heated screen s/h from "another owner" and what rating relay and fuse do I need to fit?

Parts Dept said "dunno" and put me through to Engineering, and the answer is... No relay (!) and just a 10A fuse.

I have to say that the wires coming from the sides of the screen don't look particularly thick, so maybe (hopefully) that is correct.

Has anyone else got a Caterham heated screen and can confirm/rebut this?

Ben_Copeland - 9/10/09 at 10:06 AM

Guess they just use a beefyish switch instead.

Marcus - 9/10/09 at 07:22 PM

Yup, I'm running a Caterham heated screen, and no I don't use a relay. It hasn't blown a 6 amp fuse yet, so I wouldn't worry

Humbug - 10/10/09 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Marcus
Yup, I'm running a Caterham heated screen, and no I don't use a relay. It hasn't blown a 6 amp fuse yet, so I wouldn't worry

Good news!
