ok i dont want a metal one kid killers ect i (just what it for cosmetic reasons) but would like to make one from a plastic tube the only problen i can
see is bending the it without it collapsing i was thinking of useing boiling water abd a tube bender but not sure if it would work or not,,
i dont knoe if im on to somthing here or not or is it just another mad idear of mine,,,
has anyone bent plastic tube befor i have tryed it with 40mm plumbing tube and it just melted
i would love some advice im sure someone will know how to do it on this forum..
somthing like this
mabye use a spring inside or fill with sand? i think the biggest problem will be the plastic pipe collapsing or losing its roundness, and i believe both of the above are used to stop this, dont know how well it would work with plastic but worth a go mabye?
looks like a roll bar to me. you def don't want a plastic one of them.
any pics of this bar on a car?
sand and a heat gun (not blow torch) perhaps?
[Edited on 8/12/09 by blakep82]
i don't think you'll have much luck forming the pipe to that shape, but you can get plastic bends and pipe that will give a seamless joint. I work at a plastic fabrication company and we use it for chemical pipework,
this is what i want to make in plastic tube
[Edited on 8/12/09 by thunderace]
if you don't mind painting it after we can make that at work, here is a link for some plastic fittings we can weld to pipe etc if you look at the
multibend 90 that shows what it looks like, if you like when i go into work i can work out a quick price to do it and with some sizes i can do a cad
drawing to see if it suits you
i would like to try it myself tbh but once i have spent £100 then 6 weeks work and loads of plastic pipe i will give you a shout lol...
It you want one purely to protect the car, I would have thought you'd be best to have a solid core wrapped in something deformable and attached
with springs of some kind. I looked at a mini that had something like described above so I'd guess some one makes them.
If it's purely aesthetic, you vould just get fairly thick walled plastic tubing and use a solvent to bond them, then grind/build up the join and
cover with paint.
How about making it from a couple of springs and a straight pipe?
Hey, i want to do exactly the same for the front and rear of my Ducato, purely for cosmetic purposes. Check out my bog for the locost racetruck
[Edited on 9/12/09 by MK9R]
Originally posted by prelude1980
if you don't mind painting it after we can make that at work, here is a link for some plastic fittings we can weld to pipe etc if you look at the multibend 90 that shows what it looks like, if you like when i go into work i can work out a quick price to do it and with some sizes i can do a cad drawing to see if it suits you
I can't see any of the proposed photos and I'm really curious what is trying to be built.
Can anyone assist with a photo.
Originally posted by jabbahutt
I can't see any of the proposed photos and I'm really curious what is trying to be built.
Can anyone assist with a photo.
ah, many thanks.
Seems like a good way of wasting money, spend money making nudge bar someone backs into it breaks your nudge bar they get away without a mark
you're out of pocket. Bollocks you hit my pajero's nudge bar you need a new rear end, now you won't do that again will you.
Originally posted by mad-butcher
Seems like a good way of wasting money, spend money making nudge bar someone backs into it breaks your nudge bar they get away without a mark you're out of pocket. Bollocks you hit my pajero's nudge bar you need a new rear end, now you won't do that again will you.